The Werewolf Chronicles

You decide to set a trap in the middle of the track. Filip digs a hole with a small spade about a metre deep, while Zhun sharpens about a dozen good, sturdy long sticks into stakes. The stakes are set into the bottom of the small pit and you quickly cover the pit with some sticks and leaves. The trap is set.

You all hide in some nearby shrubbery in different positions facing the pit in the small clearing and waitÂ…

After about half an hour, you feel your eyes beginning to close, when suddenly you hear the sound of sticks snapping. Something has just fallen into the pit! It's definitely not a werewolf, you think to yourself, it's much smaller cause whatever it was just fell in and disappeared from view.

With shotgun in hand you rush over with the two brothers and gaze down into the pit. It's a small furry little rabbit, but impaled on the sharp wooden stakes it's just a small bloody mess!
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