Wild Night

You turn to the brunette girl's friend and start flirting with her. The brunette girl stares at you, wondering how you could diss her so obviously without a care in the world. She starts to play with the cross on her neck. You don't notice, you're too busy wondering how long it's going to be before you get the dark haired girl's bikini top off and indeed, wondering why she is wearing a bikini top in a bar. Engrossed in her magnificent curves, you are awoken from your neanderthal ogling as the barman comes up and taps you on the shoulder. "Uh, mate," he addresses you, "I think you've had too many drinks and that it's time to go now. I'll call you a cab."

Your buddies never let you live down that night. So drunk you were talking to three wax figurines of Buffy characters at Madame Toussad's Bar? It's gonna be a while before the boys take you drinking with them again.
End Of Story