
Your hand wailed through the air and made straight impact with his left cheek, implanting a heavy red handprint. The boy gaped in shock, eyes bulging. Glaring, you turn to walk off as you hear a distinct growl from behind. You whip your head of red hair around as you see the boy looking still shocked as he moved his hand to the mark on his face feeling it. His dark eyes suddenly flared and burned with anger and frustration. He charged at you and you let out yet another gasp of shock as the audience around you stared. Throwing you over one shoulder he began to walk off into the park. Kicking and flailing you found it was no use as he walked deeper into the park only stopping at one tree which he seemed to recognize. Only after jumping into the high branches of the tree did he drop you down roughly as you barely managed to keep your balance.
"What's your name?" he demanded still looking angry. "Why should tell you?!" you retorted. His gaze was firm as he responded, "Saving your life enough?" "Oh.." you answered thinking about this for the first time since it happened, and feeling a little embarrassed now that you thought about it. "Thanks..." you began quietly. "I'm Kit." Sighing he turned to you again. "I'm Haru." You blinked once or twice in shock. "You mean City Wolf Haru?" He smirked at you, obviously about the fact that you knew his reputation. "Yeah..." You found yourself smile and lightly giggled. To your shock he turned several scales of red and didn't look happy about it. Suddenly as he looked to you a shadow moved behind him before you could scream warning. The thing knocked him out and before you could stop it you found it upon you as everything spiralled into darkness.

You have 1 choice:

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