Extend the Story - Add a Room

Herald of the waters by copil
You are not going to give up, not now nor ever! But will your stamina be on a par with the strong will of your heart?

They are banging! The door nearly collapses at their first attempt and soon a second is to come. You hurl yourself against the door to reinforce it with your own prowess and weight. Again they bang but you hold on, painfully. They push and bang and push again.

Then a crack! The door nearly breaks at a strike with the buttocks of their muskets. Another comes again.

Now at the window, the dog has just climbed and is about to enter! You jump to fend the beast but you have not even made a step when the door surrenders to its assailants. As the tornado they act and in a second you are defeated, your hands fastened with irons behind your back. As they drag you out of your house, you can not help to avoid tears of shame and impotence to moist your face.

Reluctantly you walk with them a couple of dozen paces when the servant and one of the soldiers start some torches. The other soldier holds you fast. No! But they move towards your home. You struggle; but you cannot escape the grip. Soon the flames are kissing the straw roof, starting their destructive dance. You push and turn but to no avail. They open the door and throw the burning torches inside. One kick and you are free!...

But it is too late... You fall to your knees, and manacled as you are, you cannot hide your tears; but little you care on what anybody is got to think.


It was a couple of hours that your captors have spent driving you to the dimly lit room you are standing in now. Still manacled, you occupy the center of what it could be described as a pen, but it is known as the criminal box. Rised on a platform the Judge's desk await for his occupant to come. To your right a secretary is scribbling something in an oversized, dusty, iron reinforced book. To your backs the soldiers wait while chatting about something that is not certainly for the ears of someone as young as you.

At last there is a silence. His Honor, a fat man who looks old to the eyes of a child, enters the room. Sotalipi, that is his name, is dressed in black robes, decorated with silver and golden embroidery; a bonnet cover his head, golden rings fill his fingers. Moving slowly, toddling, his steps are the only things to be heard. He stops, looks at you and then goes on to his seat.
The secretary announces
"Court is in session; you may seat.
Your Honor this case refers to a criminal charge denounced by Count Alexai against this peasant boy called Apai"
The Judge then responds
"I see... I would first like to inquire why this boy has not even a simple shirt on"
One of the soldiers step in to say
"Er... Your Honor, we found he owns none."
Sotalipi replies
"And so? Oh...why have I to suffer from this incompetence? Mr Edei" he tells one of the clerks, please go upstairs and fetch a shirt for this boy."
Now he turns to you

"So, dear Apai, what are you accused of, what have you done, why are you here before my seat?"
"I did nothing your honor, I was just at my home when they came and told me to go, and I didn't, because I could find a way to pay the rent, but they just didn't let me".
End Of Story

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