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You head to that shithole of a place called Billy Ray's Burgers. The place stinks like a combination of rotting old road kill that's been sitting in the sun for two days and bad flowery air freshener that is failing miserably to cover the previously mentioned smell. The place should've been closed down years ago, but people can't seem to get enough of rat meat. You enter and head for the counter.

"Hey zit face, where the fuck's that fat ass Billy Ray?" you shout at some teen working at the register.
"Erm I dunno dude." he says nervously.
"You're fucking more useless than tits on a bull boy! Are you what passes as management material?"
"Mel what the fuck do you want? Stop harassing my employees." Billy Ray says coming in. Billy Ray looks like a walking slab of lard that makes up the majority of his own burgers. You have no idea why people want to work for this fat ass so bad, let alone how he even gets jailbait to fawn all over him. Perhaps he has some mutant ability to control people's minds.

"Gimme a fuckin' job in this shithole!" you say.
"Heh heh! Tina's on your non-working ass again eh? Well you're in luck, I got some positions available, but first you have to fill out these forms. Billy Ray gives you a shitload of paper work to fill out.

"What?! You fuckin' know me! Why the hell do I have to waste my time filling out stupid ass forms?"
"Rules are rules, Mel." Billy Ray says.
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