
She's never made any effort to talk to you, so you don't feel the overwhelming need to talk to her. You continue with your work until that class is over.

Lunch time comes around, you expect Aaron to come sit next to you, but he's nowhere to be seen. You wonder if Henry beat him up so bad he had to go home.

As you sit by yourself eating quietly, you overhear Butch at the next table.

"Yeah that fucking bitch sucked my dick last night! Haw Haw!"

Butch is your sister's jock boyfriend, even though they're constantly breaking up and making up. The break ups are mainly due to him cheating on her all the time, but she always ends up forgiving him. You don't know why, even you think your sister could do way better.

Right now Butch is bragging to his buddies about his latest conquest, which apparently wasn't your sister.
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