A Harry Potter Choose Your Own Adventure - Going to Hogwarts

You arrive home after your eventful day and head straght to your room.

"Honey, aren't you hungry?" Your mother asks you.

"Nah, I'm just gonna go ahead and go to bed."

"Alright. Goddnight."


You go up the stairs and down a fairly long hallway, stopping at the second to last door on your left side. Opening and shutting it behind you, you toss your books to the floor, sit your new owl by the window, fold your robes, and sit them and your wand on your dresser.

You yawn as you open your dresser drwar (errr can't spell) and pull out a pair of dark blue sweat pants and a light blue tank top. You slip them on and fall on to your bed, falling asleep before so much as turning the lights out.

You have 1 choice:

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