Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Dark Secrets

"Holy.." You swear to yourself looking at the wires. "This woman is a robot!"

As you walk closely behind Quinn you reach out and in an instant you pull the wires out of the back of her head.

"Argh!!" She screams spinning around to face you. "What are you doing?!"

"Why are there freaking wires in the back of your head?!" You scream back at her.

Quinn begins to explain that every agent is wired into the mainframe and can receive information from Headquarters instantly. Also, it protects the brain from receiving interruptions from technology that the brotherhood has developed to use against enemies.

"Will I be getting those?" You ask.

"Yes, we're headed there immediately. Now they have to reconnect mine as well. She says annoyed.

You quickly apologize.

You have 1 choice:

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