Just an Ordinary Day in the Life of an Ordinary Girl

As you take a closer look around the room, you can't find anything out of the ordinary - the closet is empty, as are the drawers of the wooden desk. You peek out from behind the ruby curtains, squinting into the black of night - but, aside from the vague silhouettes of some nearby trees and plants, your eyes can't distinguish a single thing.

Letting the curtain fall back into place to cover the window, you turn back to the door. Well, if the room isn't giving you anything interesting to do, you might as well take a stroll around the manor. Surely Thomas won't mind.

You reach for the doorknob and turn it - or at least, you try to, but to your surprise, it won't budge. You try again, and again, but there is no way to open the door. It appears to be locked. Did Thomas lock you into your chambers? But why would he do that?

As you step back from the door, you glance around the room in a moment of desperation. The window can't be opened - you noticed that when you peered outside. Banging on the door and crying for help seems a little undignified for a lady of your stature. Thomas probably just locked the door to keep you safe, you decide. After all, the manor is enormous, you could easily get lost.

So now that the choice of an exploration trip through the manor has been cancelled, what shall you do next?
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