Just an Ordinary Day in the Life of an Ordinary Girl

The mysterious figure doesn't seem enough to concern you right now - it was likely a figment of your imagination, an illusion conjured up by your tired mind.

"I would love for you to show me my room, dear, and to get out of these wet clothes," is your answer.

"Of course, darling." You watch as he smiles to you and takes you by the hand, guiding you up the stairs. "I took the liberty of having your suitcase be brought upstairs, it awaits you in your room."

As you walk up the staircase, you glance down towards the darkness underneath in attempt to catch another glimpse of the figure there, but there is nothing there. Nothing more than an illusion, you tell yourself firmly, as Thomas leads you to the first level and down a long corridor, likewise only lit by a handful of torchlights lining the walls.

You pass two large oak doors, one on each side, before you come to a stop before the third one, to your left. "Here are your chambers, Ammy love," Thomas announces as he turns the doorknob and sweeps the door open. With one arm extended, he allows you to enter before him - ladies first, after all.

After a moment's hesitation, you take a step forward through the doorway - and find yourself in the most amazing chamber you have ever seen. The carpet that covered the floor in the hall and corridors extends further inwards, the full red colour contrasted by the lighter cream shaded walls. A grand four-poster bed dominates the room, although there is plenty of space left for a large closet, flanked by a tall mirror and a simple yet stylish wooden desk. To the far wall, there is a window, although it is currently dark outside and the curtains - thick ruby satin - are drawn shut. You find a suitcase placed besides the bed, waiting to be opened and unpacked.

"Take your rest for this next hour, darling. I shall call for you when dinner is ready." Thomas places a gentle kiss on your forehead, then leaves, closing the door behind him.

As soon as he is out of sight, you let out a sigh - you can't help it, you just feel so overwhelmed by everything.

Then you remember the object that you found in the water. You reach for it in your cleavage and find it's still there. You now look at it for the first time. It's a small velvet bag, attached to a leather lace of the same brownish colour. It's still damp and because of it hard to open. After a while your efforts are successful. You hold the bag upside-down and catch the content with your left hand. It's a ring, and a magnificent one, too. A small, beautifully polished blue sapphire, embedded in a ring of gold. It seems inappropriate to put it on, so you put it back into the velvet bag and put it away in one of the drawers of the wooden desk. You might want to ask Thomas about it later on.

The first thing to do now is change. You grab your suitcase, open it and take the first dress you get your hands on. It's a simple brown dress, cut out low, with some beautifully carried out blue embroidery. You leave your wet red dress on a chair to dry.

Surveying the room again, you ponder what to do next - you're tired and thus sleep seems to be the obvious choice, yet you don't want to leave that suitcase there, not yet unpacked. Besides, maybe you should explore the room a little more too... perhaps even venture out into the rest of the manor on your own?

Which shall it be?
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