Detective Wolf and the Flatwoods Fighter

He swam north. Wolf first found a pocket of air which he was thankful for, but upon resurfacing his nostrils were filled with the stench of the dead. He felt around for. Few moments and felt fish. Dead fish. Dozens of them. Maybe even hundreds. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, Wolf pulled out one of the fish. It looked fine on the surface but it's death was evident. It even had a bloated form as it's body swelled from the water. Wolf then noticed other fish all floating in the surface dead. Whatever killed them, certainly was no animal as far as he was concerned. A thought ebbed in his mind. Maybe this was the culprit's doing, as they wanted to run a few trial runs before killing Kenwood. Then he noticed something on the far end wall, it was far away an if he swam to it he would definitely be low on energy. He couldn't fully focus on that though. He needed an escape.

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