The New Daycare

You could surely hold it long enough to use the bathroom in privacy. You glanced over at the changing table, the only bit of furniture in the room, seeing that it had a perfect hiding spot directly underneath it. You squeezed yourself under it, having to wiggle due to how tight it was.

From your new hiding spot, you could see toddlers shamelessly dropping their pants and pissing or pooping in front of all of their classmates. You shuddered, glad that you’d been able to find a way around that.

The last few babies were brought in, now giving you the perfect opportunity to wiggle out and wait patiently for the remaining kids to leave. You tried pulling yourself out, but to your utter dismay, you found that you were stuck, unable to get out.

You frantically twisted and turned, attempting to find an easier position to escape from, finally finding it with laying completely flat on your tummy. You slid forwards, just barely squeezing out from underneath the changing table, received that you’d finally be able to do your business in privacy…

Wait…what was that smell?

You have 1 choice:

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