Doors and More Doors

You wake up handcuffed to a hospital bed. A woman is opposite to you, smoking. She puts it out as soon as she sees you. "Ahem..." she says. "I'm here to investigate the murder of Mr. Tan and almost the entirety of the Singaporean government's elite task force instructed to maintain the peace." She walks over to you. You don't know what they could trace back to you. "How could I have crashed the plane?" you ask, as memories flow black to you. The woman nods and says, "You remember. Good. We have video evidence of your relationship with a man named Cheejun Goh." He notices your reaction to that named. "Oh, so you know him," she continues. "Good. Be honest with me now. Are you or are you not responsible in part for the airplane crash?" You shake your head rapidly. "I'll connect this to you. I know you killed Mr. Tan. You exited that airplane with his blood on your hands, I know it..." the woman trails off. Then, she looks around and leaves your room. "Good day," she says to someone out in the hall.

They walk in next. It's a man, short and with stubby limbs. He smiles at you. "Cheejun was a good man," he says, looking at you intently. "I know you didn't kill him. You made a choice to save yourself. But, I just wanted to give this to you." He hands you a number. "It's his wife's. Just check in on her. I can't. I'm still infiltrating the government, and I'm undercover. Make sure she's ok." He wants you to do this with all of his heart, you can tell in his eyes. Then, he leaves.

You exit the hospital and maybe even go home. Who knows? This story is yours.
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