The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Many Doses

By: sup

"Okay...just need to find out where all these darts are coming from?" Morgana said as she flew around to try and find the source of all these darts that keep sticking it to them. However, as she continued to look, she heard one of the darts being fired as it soon hit her. "Ow!"

"Did you manage to see where it came from?" Mila asked.

"No! I only just felt the sting of...ah!" Morgana said being struck again. "Okay...this is seriously starting to get annoying!"

"Well don't let any of them pop me!" Tam-Tam begged as she looked around in worry.

"Well I can't do that if I don't know where they're...ah!" Morgana said being struck a third time.

"This doesn't look good. Who knows how she's going to react to those strange things." Mila said Morgana continued to be struck with darts before managing to find where they were coming from and blocking it.

"Ugh...finally. Its done." Morgana said with a short sigh of relief before she could hear her own stomach start to churn. "Oh...right." she muttered in annoyance as the darts took effect.

Morgana then saw she was growing back to normal size but...
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