The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

A Little Too Real

By: Drakin

Leeko had never seen anything quite like the image on the screen. Although he was able to recall a few books that made such descriptions. Long tables filled with glass bottles of all shapes and sizes filled with strange fluids. Small flames under some round bottles causing them to bubble and froth. Odd looking machines that spun with steam power or from larger fires burning inside.

The image was black and white like a drawing, but he could see the image change. The candles flickered, the gears and pistons moved, it was almost like it was alive. Curious the small canine moved closer, so close to the screen he could almost touch it. He could even almost smell the strange scent of the chemicals as if they were just a few feet away.

He reached out to touch the screen, not believing what he was seeing. And then... then he took a step. And another. And with a third he blinked. The strange lab was all around him now. No longer black and white but in full color. He looked back in shock. A while stood where he'd come from, but if he squinted and turned his head, he could just barely make out the flickering light of the strange machine that had create the image.

The image he was now inside.

Mild panic began to set in and he turned back towards the wall. But then he heard a noise. Footsteps. He tried to jump back through the wall, but it bent like a cloth sail. The footsteps were close now and with no other option he ducks behind one of the lab tables as a nearby door opened.

Leeko didn't dare look at first as he tried to keep his breathing under control. But slowly he worked up the courage and lifted his head to peak over the counter (he almost had to stand on tiptoes to do so.)

At the far side of the room he saw....

Choice 1: A curvy looking female fox in a white lab coat.

Choice 2: A Black wolf in a red stained lab coat.

Choice 3: An enormous red dragon of uncertain gender looking around angrily.

Choice 4: A shuffling creature made of mismatched body parts.
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