The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Multiplying Milas

By: Drakin

“I would SO love to sting you right now,” Morgana growled up at Tam-Tam.

“But dear, bees die after they sting someone.” Tam-Tam gently replied.

“It's still tempting,” the hybrid of bat and bee growled in her tiny voice.

“Easy Morgana,” Mila comforted her, gently catching her in her hands and holding her close, “Getting mad won't do any good right now.”

“Well said,” Tam-Tam replied, “I'd give you a give too, but I think I'll wait until you've calmed down some since I imagine most of what you want involves revenge.”

“You better not be psychic as well,” Morgana huffed, “Or I'll go find a nice shoe to get squashed under.”

“No now enough of this violence talk. We need to get back to the matter at hand.” Tam Tam glanced at the door Morgana had opened but sighed seeing it was only a dusty storage closet for things like additional pool cues and billiard balls.

“Well with Morgana so small right now we're down a body to help us search,” Tam-Tam mused and then smiled, “Ooh, I have an idea. I wonder if this will work...”

She looked at Mila and said in her best commanding voice, “Mila, I want you to divide into to complete and whole identical copies of yourself like a starfish would.”

Mila gaped at the suggestion, but then felt the twinge across her frame as the command took hold. It was initially very uncomfortable as her insides twisted and shifted, doubling in number. The sensation of her heart bisecting and then resuming beating in tandem was bizarre enough she felt dizzy.

Then her sides ached as a new pair of arms emerged under the first set. Her clothing tore as her body began to crease along the sides and grow wider, and she slipped out of as much as she could manage in short order. Morgana watched from where she hovered nearby as Milas lower body completely divided, growing an additional set of legs and a torso, her other arms moving to it as the divide moved up her head. For a bizarre moment her face creased down the front and then pulled wide like an opening book, her muzzle becoming two and a third eye and then a fourth emerging before the two heads parted completely.

Both felines blinked and looked at eachother as they stared at their half naked bodies. They would have been identical, save only one of them at present had the bigger breasts Tam-Tam had gifted her.

“Mila?” Morgana looked between the two, “Are you alright?”

“I think so,” both answered and once. “I mean...” “'s weird...” “...seeing myself...” “seeing myself.” Both spoke back and forth now, and little by little the gap widened as she learned to control both bodies.

“It's so strange,” Mila spoke with one body as they did their best to share their remains of clothing between them, one with a top and the other a bottom and Milas headband making an impromptu bikini top for her smaller-chested self. “I can feel everything both bodies are experiencing, but it's like my mind is somewhere between them.”

“Well to avoid confusion,” Tam-Tam point ed at the smaller chested Mila, “We'll call you MilaTwo for now.”

Choice 1: The new quartet return to searching, but as they search Tam-Tam is keen to experiment more, with the girls or herself. After all, she still hasn't tested if she can command her own body like she's commanded theirs.

Choice 2: While searching they run into Darious and Leeko again, and many questions ensue.

Choice 3: MilaTwo discovers she's not bound by Tam-Tams control and sneaks off as soon as she can manage it to warn Darious and Leeko. If she can find them.

Choice 4: Tam-Tam is having too much fun with the girls. The search is momentarily put on hold as she drags them off to a bedroom for some fun.
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