The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Return to Scaly Form (mostly)

By: Drakin

“Hmm, oh this is a surprise,” Tam-Tam mused as she watched hr fur smooth over, becoming her familiar green scales. For a moment she was f=worried as the scales washed over her frame that her abilities might vanish, but to her relief and minor disappointment from Mila, the emerging gecko girl somehow still retained both her massive breasts and bountiful milk filled udder. Everything else about her though (save perhaps a few additional pounds) had reverted to the same form she had when she met the crew.

“This is interesting,” she noted, “I wonder what sort of power that might be? A 'return to your true species' ability?” She hefted her breasts, bouncing the tiny Morgana between them.

“I suppose it doesn't matter. I have what I still wanted. Being a cow was nice but I did miss my scales.”

“They do look nice,” Mila muttered before she could stop herself.

“O-ho,” Tam-Tam smiled, “You like my scales? Perhaps you would like some yourself then.

Mila blushed, but nodded when Tam-Tam commanded an answer out of her.

“Well I suppose we could work something out,” the hybrid of gecko and cow smiled at her. “Let's see. Snake might be nice, a cobra in particular. A hood would be cute on you, but they tend to be naga with all tail and no legs. We could make you a dragoness, but I'm a little iffy about giving you that much power just yet.”

She took a step closer and rubbed Milas shoulder with one hand. “I could make you just like me I suppose. We could be like sisters then. But that might be a bit much. I just don't know.”
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