The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Lucky Chance

By: sup

Tam-Tam started pondering all the ways her new power over Mila could be used to force that bat to get into servitude. But as she pondered this, Morgana continued to pry open the door.

"Come on you damn rusty..." Morgana said before she finally got the door to open up. "Yes!" Morgana cried in victory, but not before accidentally inhaling a large cloud of dust that came about as a result of opening the door that had been shut for some time. This of course resulted in Morgana having a major coughing fit.

"Oh dear. Seems this is just not your day." Tam-Tam smirked before offering her a bottle of her milk. "Here's something to wash your mouth out with since it would take too long to get water." she said coyly as she watched as the bat grab the bottle without hesitation and drank it down as Tam-Tam just smiled as Morgana downed the whole bottle.

"Ugh...can't believe I was saved by a bottle of your stupid milk." Morgana said as she tossed away the empty bottle. "You better not..."

"Morgana...kiss the hand that nurses you..." Tam-Tam said holding her hand out. Morgana forcibly stopped her rant and went and kissed Tam-Tam's hand as Tam-Tam just smiled. Not only did she have one, she now had two servants at her beck and call.

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