The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

The King of Cookies

By: Drakin

Mila was so stunned by her transformation she almost didn't register when she heard a voice.

“Welcome my queen. You have been eagerly awaited.”

Looking around in shock Mila couldn't see anyone, then her eyes traveled down to the cookies still line up in rows in front of her. As she watched the cookies began to climb onto each other shoulders, stacking together into two large piles. And then forming a bridge of bodies between then. But as the cookies piled together they appeared to melt and merge, their individual forms becoming indistinct and becoming one. And as she watched a pair of legs began to take shape while a new figure grew out of them.

In minutes she watched as a torso expanded, a tail elongated, and new arms swelled out to the sides. As the finaly cookes climbed up to form a long neck and head, she watched the now simply massive cookie creature, actually slightly taller than her stretch and spread wings made of frosting. Candy corn shaped teeth appeared as it yawned and large chocolate cookie eyes blinked slowly.

“It has been many years since I pulled myself together like this. I have been waiting for a companion to call my own.”

“You called me a queen,” Mila spoke, feeling her mouth move but no breath escape her body.

“I apologize if that seems a bit forward of me,” the giant cookie dragon replied sincerely, “As I said, it has been many years and simply seeing another I could talk to.”

“Why didn't you talk before?”

“In my divided state my mind has been running on the most basic levels of consciousness. After so many years alone my mind was simply too fractured to do more than simply act. And beings that are not pastries like myself would not have understood me if I had spoken. But forgive me, I have not introduced myself. You may call me Spritz. And I know you are Miss Mila as I heard your companions call you by name.

“Oh!” Mila gasped suddenly, “Where are they I need to find them and explain what happened.”

“Which ones do you want to find? Your blue friend has been taken to the garden for her condition. Your bovine friend is in the stables getting milked for the moment. If there are others I am afraid I don't know where they might be, but there is a room I know of that can view vast areas of the mansion with magical windows.”

Choice 1: Mila wants to find Morgana in the garden.

Choice 2: Mila wants to see tam-Tam in the Stable.

Choice 3: Mila wants to go to the room where she can see the rest of the mansion and maybe find Darious and Leeko.

Choice 4: Actually, how did the dragon Divide himself? And can she do it too? Maybe she could visit all three at once.
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