The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Mila to the Rescue

By: sup

"I think I'm going to go and make sure she's all right." Mila said as she got on her feet and followed.

"Don't leave me here too long. I can't eat all this myself." Tam-Tam said slipping a cheesecake past her lips. "Though doesn't mean I won't try." she giggled.

Mila, while being large, was quick enough that she made it past the wall just as it slid downward and shut behind her. "Well...there goes my way back." she said as she could only look forward and follow after the trail her crewmate was leaking for her.

Mila walked down the long passageway as she was alone with her thoughts. One of which involved the mansion. Just how was it that a place like this could be uninhabitable and devoid of servants for so long? Why were these cookies so intent on feeding them endless meals without stopping and why were they so eager to take the blueberry bat with them? She had so many questions and sadly there were no answers. But she felt like she would the moment she would get to the exit of this path.
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