The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Freaky Fates

By: sup

"See what? Why does my body feel so..." Mila asked before she looked over to see her body lying next to her before she looked down to see an udder below. "Ah!"

" I was saying. When you all were reforming, I think your souls got mixed up and entered the wrong bodies." Morgana said. "Guess this can happen when you have more than one person in your gut."

"You guess?" Tam-Tam said. "Look at me. I'm stuck in an average looking body. offense darling."

"Uh...none taken?" Mila said not sure if she should be insulted or not. "But she has a point. You need to switch us back."

"I can't. I don't know how." Morgana said.

"Well eat us up again and reform us in the right bodies then." Tam-Tam said.

"I don't think I should. If anything, it'll make our problems a lot worse." Morgana said. "But we're still in this weird looking mansion...we could probably find something to switch you both back to you normal."

"Hmm...that does seem to make sense." Mila said as they had a lot of options.
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