The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Demons Growth

By: Drakin

As the trio left the kitchen Morgana couldn't help continuing to play with her powers. It was small things at first, summoning a apple sized fireball over her index finger and juggling it harmlessly between her hands, then she froze it into a ball of ice with a single puff of her breath. Then she tried flapping her wings, and despite still being only a couple feet from base to tip she effortlessly floated off the ground for several yards before landing again as they continued on.

“This is incredible,” Morgana moaned, as she felt her body almost surging with power, “I was worried the rune would twist me into some sort of monster, but I couldn't possibly feel better.” She looked back at the girls following behind. Mila and Tam-Tam looked concerned but not worried.

“We're glad you're alright Morgana,” Mila noted, “But this is dark magic. Maybe you should take it easy...”

“Oh please, I just said I feel fine. And feeling better by the minute. Watch this.” She took a moment to focus and the girls watched as her goat form began to change, returning back to her bat-like shape, albeit still heavier with the symbol on her stomach, as well as the horns and eyes she'd gained.

Then as a seemingly final reassurance she waved a hand and produced a small personal pie for each of them, each tailored to their own preferences. Tam-Tam's was lemon meringue drizzled with chocolate syrup. Mila's was chocolate pudding and custard with coconut shavings. And Morgana produced a Blueberry pie rich with whipped cream which she promptly dug into.

Mila still seemed concerned, but seeing Morgana and then Tam-Tam dig in convinced her to try some. And the pie was exceptional, the filling sweet and creamy and the crust buttery and flaky. Despite simply eating in the middle of the hallway all three polished off the treat before even making it to the next intersection.

As delicious as the pie was though, Morgana found she could taste something even more delicious. Like an aftertaste in the back of her mouth. For a while she couldn't tell what it was. Then when Mila and Tam-Tam's stomachs growled for more food and she produced a large slice of cake for them, she realized what she was tasting was THEIR gluttony. She could taste the sensation of them eating, she could consume their contentment from the food like it was a fine wine. And it made her feel even more giddy than before.

Mila and Tam-Tam noticed something was up as Morgana was actually looking a little larger than she had before, and her frame a tiny bit thicker. But given she could shape-shift neither were too concerned right off. What they failed to notice though was the pies and the cake together had packed on about ten pounds of fat to their frames. And that wasn't all...

Choice 1: The pair have lost some height as well, getting smaller as well as fatter. Are they just going to be tiny toys for Morgana or will they become personal imp servants to the new demoness?

Choice 2: The pair are feeling more horny, both towards Morgana and to each other somewhat. Eventually they might become Succubi, beings of pleasure for both Morgana and others.

Choice 3: Morgana is 'leaking' so much demonic energy the pair of them are becoming demons as well. Gaining similar (but slightly different) demonic powers.

Choice 4: Morgana begins to warp the hallway around them with her energies. The magical mansion being bent to her desires as she begins to take it over.
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