The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Have a Nice Trip

By: Drakin

"Alright knock it off you creepy cookies," Mogana declared waving her hands as if to shoo them away, “Beat it. We don't need any more food.”

“Speak for yourself,” Mila replied even as her wobbling cheeks were being stuffed with heaping spoonfuls of cheesy chicken and pasta, “I still feel hungry enough to eat a horse.”

“You look like you ate one already,” Morgana countered, these cookies are turning you into blobs.

“Well from where we sit you look like a twig,” Tam-Tam replied even as her top gave one last creak from a deep breath and popped, spilling her jiggling melons free and nearly landing them in her plate of fried fish and potato sticks. “A twig stuck through a pair of tiny grapes.”

“Watch it blubber butt,” Morgana countered, unaware the cookies climbing up each others shoulders to form a tower behind her, “With that new bovine look of yours you could be steaks for the whole crew for a month.”

“Hey, Morgana...?” Mila tried but she was already into it with Tam-Tam.

“Oh don't even go there, dear,” Tam-Tam replied, turning in her groaning chair to show a sagging belly that covered her whole lap and rolled over the edge of her knees. Her udder was dragging on the floor where several cookies had been working the teats into a series of sauce pans. “When I first saw you I thought you must have been some sort of malnourished pig.”

“Girls...,” Mila tried again as she noticed another cookie undoing Morgana's bootlaces and tying them together.

“That's it, I'm going to make burgers out of y- whoah!” Morgana made to draw her knife as she stepped forwards. But quickly discovered both her knife had been stolen by the cookies behind her and her shoes tied together made impossible to step.

As a result she tumbled forwards right into Tam-Tam. The bovines chair already stressed to it's limit collapsed instantly and the pair tumbled to the floor. As luck would have it, Morgana's mouth landed right over Tam-Tams nipple and the pressure of the fall sent a huge squirt right down her throat, neatly two whole bottles worth in one.

As she rolled off Tam-Tam she coughed and sputtered, “Dam pastries, I'm gonna -” But what she intended was cut off as the cookies stuffed a slice of pie down her throat. The very same blueberry pie she'd been eating earlier hit her tongue with it's miraculous taste and before she could stop herself she swallowed the whole thing.

Choice 1: The cookies feed her more of the regenerating pie. Slice after slice. With Tam-Tam's milk inside her acting as well Morgana blows up like a fat balloon in a matter of minutes. Possibly even surpassing Mila for size.

Choice 1: Morgana moans as the magical milk mixes with the pie in her stomach. Her frame begins to turn blue and swells with juice. Can she hold it all or will she pop? (non-fatal popping allowed)

Choice 1: Morgana begins changing. The milk and pie mixing inside make her a living blueberry pie. Soft golden crust for skin and juicy blueberry filling inside (any part cut away or eaten regrows given time.)

Choice 1: Morgana rallies and takes revenge. All those cookies are going in her stomach RIGHT NOW!
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