The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Bovine Beauty

By: Drakin

“OooOOOhhh my...,” Tam tam's words rose into a moo again as she felt over her changed form, feeling the soft new fur as she caressed her shapely curves and rounder middle.

Morgana let out something between a scoff and a laugh. “Pfha! Now that's a surprising look. Not such stunning beauty anymore it seems.”

“Well that's a matter of opinion,” Tam-Tam replied, silencing Morgana rather quickly, “Beauty is more than looks deary. It's also confidence and self control, two things you seem to be lacking quite a lot of.”

“Shut up,” Morgana huffed, “Look at you! You're a big, fat cow! How is that beautiful?”

“Well, 'curvy' perhaps, 'softer' definitely, but 'big'?” She gave her large breasts a bounce in her hands as milk dribbled from her fat perky nipples, “Only where it counts sweetheart.”

Morgana growled as Tam-Tam continued, “In fact, I might be a little over full.” She swished her way to the sink, snapping her tail side to side as she adjusted to the new hooves on the tile floor. But when she got to the sink a new problem presented itself.

It had seemed an easy solution at first, just grab, stroke, squeeze or whatever was needed to get her milk out. But try as she might Tam-Tam found she couldn't manage more than a few dribbles from her breasts. Her udders proved slightly easier with longer, fatter teats, but it was set too low to get over the lip of the sink without standing on a chair, and all she managed was dribbling milk down her front.

“Seems someone has more problems with this form than they thought,” Morgana smirked deviously, “Do you need some help there princess?”

“No no,” Tam-Tam huffed, trying to retain her confidence, “I'll be fine I'm sure. Let's just continue our search for now."


But as they wrapped up their exploration of the kitchen and moved on through the mansion, Tam-Tam could feel her stubborn pride weakening in direct proportion to the milk that continued to fill her breasts and udder. The process had not stopped since her change it seemed, and though she'd grabbed some dish towels to soak up the leakage, it wasn't enough as her orbs continued to grow little by little.

Two rooms later she'd they'd jumped nearly as many cup sizes. Her chest jutted from her to the limits of her top, each orb squashed under pressure but still nearly the size of her head. And her udder was growing more unwieldy as it sank lower, forcing her confident swish to turn into a plodding waddle.

And the pressure was becoming unbearable, a desperate need for release she could only compare to the need for a bathroom, but one she couldn't willingly let out.


Choice 1: The pressure suddenly subsides. But Tam-Tam is not out of the woods yet. The milk, still developing in her breasts, begins 'leaking' into the rest of her. Blowing her up like a big milk filled balloon.

Choice 2:Tam-Tam can't take it any more and breaks down asking Morgana and/or Milla to milk her. But does her milk affect them in some strange way?

Choice 3: The trio find a new strange room in the mansion that might have an answer to Tam-Tams situation. But at a cost.

Choice 4: The girls run into Darious and Leeko. Have they been changed too by something in the mansion?
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