The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Discussions On Becoming Godesses

By: Drakin

“You really think they would worship us like that?” Morgana replied, swallowing a mouthful of cream from a overstuffed doughnut.

“Well, maybe not you,” Tam-Tam teased, “I mean I saw the way they looked at me. Cleatly smooth and shiny bodies are more appealing that fur covered ones. After all, who wants to enjoy food with a hair in it.”

“Hey, you have hair too,” Morgana noted, indicating the gecko girls red locks.

“Perhaps, but I keep it nice, clean and well maintained. Not an unruly mess.”

“Ok enough,” Mila stepped between them, arms outstretched, brandishing a doughnut she'd been eating in the hand pointed towards Morgana, “No fighting. For all we know the cookies might go to war if they saw that.”

“A holy war for their goddess,” Tam-Tam smiled, “quite the accomplishment I'd say.”

“Will you please get to the point before we have an incident?” Mila asked and Tam Tam huffed while Morgana grumbling-ly snatched the doughnut from Mila to gulp it down.

“Fine, what I'm getting at is maybe if you two were scaly as well then we could all be worshiped as goddesses. Once they see you transformed to look like me I'm sure they would do anything we ask...”

“They already do,” Morgana noted.

“...we could get tribute and festivals and holidays in our honor...”

“We could probably get that now.”

“Fine,” Tam-Tam huffed, “I'll concede in the broad strokes there's little difference in being worshiped as a queen and worshiped as a goddess. But queens are still considered mortal and can be ended if the peasants grow unruly. A goddess could be secure in their power for their entire existence.”

“Possibly,” Morgana admitted, “But unless there's really some divine magic to make them think we're goddesses, they still might become suspicious. How do you intend to make them believe?”

Tam -Tam considered this.

Choice 1: They use the magic coin Mila wears. It could maybe reshape them into dragons. But how exactly it works is uncertain.

Choice 2: They send out scouts to collect anything and everything magical in the hopes something will work.

Choice 3: They send for any and all powerful wizards in the world in hopes of learning magic from them.

Choice 4: Tam-Tam isn't sure, so Morgana suggests they just feast until something happens. They're already growing bigger. Maybe they'll start transforming as well.
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