The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

No Worries

By: sup

Mila couldn't help but still have some lingering thoughts about what these cookies were doing to them, but those worries seemed to fade when she was brought another piece of pie as she happily ate it. "Eh...what's the worst that could happen?" she shrugged without a care.

It was after awhile that the cookies were bringing in treats by the cartload now. All of them eating and growing as if it were going out of style. As they continued to eat and grow, their clothes would rip away, letting their flabby selves go free as their chairs could barely hold their growing butts up as they broke into splinters once they had gotten heavy enough.

"See, told you all you had to do was enjoy yourself." Tam-Tam said as the blobby gecko chuckled a bit.

"Yeah. Good food going to good use." Morgana said as the fat bat also laughed.

"You two were right. How silly was it of me to worry about what these cookies were..." Mila said as the fat cat looked around and noticed something was off. "Hey...where are the cookies anyway?"

As the three looked around...
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