The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Ladies Night

By: Drakin

As the cookies hoisted Mila along she tried to take stock of her situation. Her changed body now resembled that of her companions. Whether the coin had simply changed to fit her desires after seeing them or if it was reacting to something else she couldn't say. She felt different inside too. Strong, more willful, and yet refined and conscious of appearance as she checked her glittering jewelry and finer clothes.

And yet it felt all surface somehow. Like something received but not earned. She had notions of how to look and behave, but her mind and memory still recalled days of working as a spice trader and the meager meals she was able to buy to survive. For all this nobility now painted on her she still felt like the same Mila deep down.

Eventually the cookies brought her to a large pair of double doors, ornately carved and with gold inlay. And beyond them she came to the master bedroom. Which really looked more like three huge bedrooms side by side with no walls between them. Each was slightly different with a few varying decorations and different styles of furniture, but each had a huge bed, double king-sized, with curtains all around.

The middle one that was covered in red sheets and the right which was tan were unoccupied, but the left done up in light blue was currently occupied by both Tam-Tam and Morgana.

And from the sounds they made Mila wasn't sure she wanted to intrude. However the cookies were bringing her right up to the bed. And anything she said would have just drawn the attention of the otherwise engaged pair.

When she got close enough to see better Mila let out a small sigh. It wasn't as bad as she had first imagined but it was still very awkward. Morgana lay propped against the headboard while Tam-Tam sprawled over her front, the large gecko smushed belly to belly with the equally big bat. In fact if anything the pair looked even larger.

The fact they were both completely naked though was extremely distracting.

Morgana moaned and cooed softly as Tam-Tam rubbed her soft belly with her own and caressed the bats watermelon sized breasts. Her long tongue licked at a pert nipple nearly as large as her thumb. The pair were deep into some serious groping and cuddling as the cookies brought Mila right to the edge of the bed.

“Mila, you made it,” Morgana smiled gently, her large sagging chin wobbling as she turned to her, “I suspected those cookies would do a good job bringing to back to a healthy weight., But you're still lacking so much. Do be a dear join us. We've missed your company.”

Mila would have liked to decline, but the cookies were already amassing under her, lifting her higher and transitioning her to the bed. Morgana gave a whistle and half of the cookies stood to attention while the remainder continued to push Mila into position beside her.

“Bring us some snacks and fetch the crystal viewer,” she commanded the cookies, “It's been too long since we had a girls night in.”

Despite her uncertainty as she pressed up against Morgana's side, Mila was curious, “ 'Crystal viewer'? What's that?”

“Only the latest in entertainment dear,” Tam-Tame smiled, pausing in her attentions to Morgana, “Our beloved here spent quite the fortune on the latest in magic based entertainment.”

The cookies were already pulling it from a nearby hidden closet, the door having been made to match the wall perfectly. It was a massive crystal slap, roughly several inches thick and two yard high by four wide resting on a long wheeled platform. As it was positioned at the foot of the bed more cookies arrived with what looked like a clipboard and pen, passing it to Morgana. Along with a large platter of sweets and cookies

“See, anything written on this clipboard the crystal will show,” Morgana explained, “Near, far, real or fake. We can watch the plays as their being performed in cities across the world. Observe ships battling the storms at sea, or watch fantasy stories unfold with a few simple words.”

Morgana demonstrated writing the simple phrase, 'knight rescues a princess from a dragon'.

The crystal immediately turned foggy and then colors began to appear, drawn into reflective surface as an image formed showing a being clad in armor fighting against a huge feral dragon as a princess looked on from a nearby tower in the background.

“The more specific the words the more detail you get,” Morgana added.

“But really, must you do that now?” Tam-Tam stroked along Morgana's belly, “I was just getting into it. And now that Mila's here we can really have some fun.”

“We don't have to use it now,” Morgana smiled and leaned forward, just barely able to kiss the tip of Tam-Tams nose, “I just thought it would be nice to have it ready when we were all comfortable.” She wrote 'clear' on the clipboard and the crystal turned empty again.

“Besides,” Morgana continued, “Mila is the one recovering from an illness. We should ask what she wants to do. She'd been out of it so long.”

Mila looked at the cuddling pair and felt the heat rise in her face, knowing what they were suggesting. It was tempting but she was still unsure.

All the same, she decided...

Choice 1: Mila throws caution to the wind. The pair looked so happy and content. And she had to admit a little sexy too. Maybe there was something to their new bodies that was simply appealing. She slowly lets herself be drawn into a fat female threesome.

Choice 2: Mila resists and decides to be proactive. Asking about how they made their fortune, where they bought these magical devices, or anything to learn about the apparent changes in their lives.

Choice 3: Mila thinks the crystal viewer is amazing and suggests they cuddle together and relax with something interesting. More snacks arrive and the girls munch as they watch, growing thicker and more sedentary.

Choice 4: Mila claims she's actually tired and wants to sleep, letting the cookies take her over to her bed, but when Morgana and Tam-Tam fall asleep she opts instead to use the crystal viewer to find where Darious and Leeko might be.
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