The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Mila the Independent Councelor

By: Drakin

“Girls?” Mila tried to interject herself into the pairs heated back and forth but was promptly ignored.

“I am not going to stand here and be insulted by some lizard who couldn't go near a whaling ship for fear of being harpooned,” Morgana growled as another seam in her pants popped under the increasing strain.

“Girls,” Mila tried harder but to no avail.

“At least I can walk into town without every all-you-can-eat buffet barricading the doors or risk going bankrupt,” Tam-Tam countered, her top beginning to tear and showing a little more of her now melon sized cleavage as it rested on her belly.

“ENOUGH!” Mila shouted loud enough both females visibly jumped at the shock, the thump from their feet coming down made the shelves rattle. The jiggling from each of them tore a new hole in Morgana's pants and caused Tam-Tams sash to break, it now only being held up by the overhang of her scaly stomach.

“I am sick and tired of you two arguing all the time,” Mila huffed, “You both talk as if the mere presence of the other is somehow an insult to your existence rather than trying to find some common ground.”

She rounded on the fat bat, heedless of her height over Mila or her rank. “Morgana, you're supposed to be the second in command of this crew but you bicker like a small child any time you let Tam-Tam get under your skin. If you want to set a good example for the rest of us you'd laugh it off rather than let her every insult get to you. By giving in you let her make the fool of you.”

Tam-Tam started to smirk but them Mila rounded on her as well. “And you. You only just met us a short time ago. You have no right to tease and taunt Morgana when you don't know the life she's lived or how hard she works to keep this team together. She is entitled to look and feel however she wants without your judgment dragging her down without petty, snarky comments. Making others look bad does not make you superior, it makes you look even worse.”

Mila stood panting and shaken as the pair regarded her with stunned expressions, unsure what to say. Tam-Tam looked like she was about to say something but Mila put her hand up. “No. No arguing, no debating, no weak justifications. You are both going to sit down, right now, and sort this out calmly and rationally or I'll go find Darious right now and he can sort out both of you children.”

It was only when she had regained her breath Mila felt the full impact of what she'd done. If this didn't convince both of them she'd just painted a huge target on her backside. Morgana alone she knew could be quite dangerous and Tam-Tam was no lightweight, now more than ever. Still she was relieved a little to see both took a seat at the table. Or rather two seats each as one chair was likely to collapse under either of them.

Despite this neither seemed fully aware of just how much they'd gained in a short time, as evidenced of Morgana trying to put her feet up on the table but unable to even get her knees past her belly. And Tam-Tam trying to lean forward to rest her chin on her palm only to be blocked by most of her breasts resting on the table.

“Now,” Mila sighed, standing between the pair as they sat on opposite ends of the table, “We are going to work this out. Slowly, calmly, and rationally. No more fighting. You need some common ground now before one of you kills the other.”

And so discussions began as, with Mila's forceful prompting, both told their life stories. Sometimes haltingly, sometimes with glares and nasty commentary. But any time things started to look ugly Mila glared at both of them. She was determined to make this work somehow. She didn't want to be so forceful, but things would get nowhere otherwise. And as she settled into her role her form shifted thanks to the corn she wore. She grew stronger, confident, more [Independent] than she ever had felt before.

And eventually progress was made.

Though Mila wasn't the only one changing...

Choice 1: Tam-Tam and Morgana bond over their love of treasure. The pair slowly begin to change growing bigger still and turning into dragonesses.

Choice 2: The pair bond over how badly the world has treated them and wish they could pay it back somehow. Unawair they're growing bigger and more monsterous. A pair of new Kaiju femails may soon be born to terrorize the world.

Choice 3: The pair bond over the idea of being treated like royalty. The two transform into a pair of high class society ladies who not only believe they own the mansion, but have become lovers.

Choice 4: The pair bond over discussions of good food, but just talking about their favorite meals begins fattening them up further as if they were eating them in the process.
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