The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Blind to the big fat truth.

By: unknown

After the late night storm, the following morning brought a day as clear and bright as anyone would hope. The sun stretched its bright yellow rays through the window and over the two slumbering forms of Morgana and Mila. The bat was the first to wake up, groaning and rolling onto her back.

Her eyes fluttered open and she stared at the canopy above her. She yawned loudly, exposing her sharp, vicious teeth for a brief moment. Despite sleeping on a bed fit for the wealthy, Morgana didn't feel so well rested. She guessed nothing beated a hammock hanging between two pillars under the deck of a ship. It looked like her secret fantasy of sleeping in bed fit for a queen was a little anticlimactic.

She threw her covers away, but when Morgana sat up she quickly noticed something: she felt heavier. Looking down at her body, she stared directly at her round, bulging belly and much larger breasts, her tunic covered in food stains and barely able to cover her large size.

Morgana rushed to the full-length mirror, and what she saw made her scream so loudly that it woke everyone up in the mansion. Mila shot awake, throwing away her cover and jumping out of bed, alarmed.

"Morgana, what's the matter?" she asked, "What happened?"

"What happened!?" The very word both angered and frustrated the bat. "Look at me!" She grabbed a handful of her belly and shook it, gritting her teeth.

Mila studied Morgana's body. Nope, there was nothing different about her. She was still as big, sturdy and intimidating as always despite her soft features. Though the food-stained tunic was new, but Morgana probably snuck off late last night to grab a bite to eat, a bad habit of hers. But that didn't explain why her clothes was in such a torn, shabby condition.

Knowing how sensitive Morgana is about her figure, Mila said, trying to put her words gently, "You look okay. I see nothing wrong. Though, your clothes are a little bit busted."

Morgana only stared at Mila with a confused and shocked expression. Was she blind? couldn't she see what happned to her?

"Does this look "okay" to you!" the bat cried, gesturing to her fat body, "I'm fat ass. Can't you see that?"

Mila had no idea why Morgana was acting like this. The bat never had a problem with her weight before. Why now? And why did she act like she plump up to this size overnight?

"Well, you've always been this big, if you ask me?" said Mila, testing her luck with her blunt words.

Was that an insult? Morgana felt her blood begin to boil in anger.

"I'll show you what's big," she said through clenched teeth, stomping towards her, and Mila took a step back in fear.

It was then that the door of their room opened and Leeko and Darius stepped into the chamber.

"What on earth is going on here?" said Darius when he saw the angered Morgana and Mila cowering in a corner.

The bat turned to her captain and said, "Look at me Darius. Does this look normal to you?"

Darius didn't want to look, for she was barely clothed, but he said, "I see nothing wrong. Now tell me, why did you scream like that? You gave us a big scare."

"Because I saw myself like...this," she said, placing her hands on her hips.

Darius frowned in confusion. "'ve always been like this."

Dumbfounded, Morgana's maw fell open. What was going on with everyone? Did they honestly think that she had always been like this? This had to be somekind of joke.

"No," thought Morgana when she realized what was going on, "It must be this mansion that's doing this. It must have somehow made me fat and altered everyone's memory so that they think I've always been a lardball. I knew this place is cursed like the people in the village said."

But now she had to do some damage control after her outburst that confused everyone.

Composing herself, she said, "Sorry,I guess I must have overreacted when Mila called me fat."

"I didn't call you fat," the feline said, quickly jumping to her defence, "I just said you were big, that's all. There's no use denying that."

Darius shook his head. "Listen, Morgana, I know you're sensitive about your weight," he began, "but becoming so easily angered when someone just gives you a hard truth doesn't help. You'll just have to accept that."

"I know, captain," said Morgana, "and I'm sorry."

"Well then," said Darius, "let's put this matter behind us and get dressed. We got a lot to do today. We need to unpack those crates and make ourselves at home."

"Aye Aye, captain," they all said.

Morgana feared that all her clothes would be too small for her size, but to her surprise she found that they were all magically enlarged to fit her size. Still, she needed some help tying a few laces at areas she could not reach, like her back for example.

Mila was reluctant, though, after Morgana's outburst, but after asking her nicely she did as she asked. As she was tying her laces, the bat felt somewhat guilty lashing out at the feline like that. Mila wasn't a bad person.

She was just someone who found herself struck by a bad event that ruined her livelihood and was forced to take the first opportunity that came flying by, like joining a crew of supposit pirates, and Morgana admitted that she had been giving Mila a hard time.

Perhaps they could improve their relationship some way. Yet again, Morgana was concerned about this mansion, especially after what it did to her. Perhaps she and Mila could go exploring it some time and find The Rune of Gluttony by themselves.

What happens next?

Choice 1: After a bit of unpacking Morgana and Mila go off in search of the rune stone that might be hidden somewhere in the house.

Choice 2: Around Lunchtime delicious smells lure all the crew to the dining room for a feast none of them can remember making but all find irresistible.

Choice 3: Tam-Tam returns, determined to assist the team in one form or another... And remarkable she remembers Morgana's real size, making the large bat curious about what the lizard female might know.

Choice 4: Something else
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