The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

The Unusual Upstairs.

By: unknown

"Let's see what's in store for us upstairs," said Darius, "Since we bought this place we might as well start exploring right away and get ourselves settled in."

"And here's to hoping that the curse doesn't happen to us right away," said Leeko nervously, wringing his gloved hands, but he was ignored.

"Dibs on the best room!" Morgana said with grin, and for a moment Mila could hear an almost childlike attitude coming off of her.

Perhaps she wasn't so tough after all. Unfortunately, there was only two rooms, despite the house's size. The one on the right led to the master's bedroom while the other led to a guest room.

The guest room was sparsely furnished, with only two single beds and a desk for writing, but the master bedroom had a large double bed, a wardrobe, beautiful oil painting on the walls, a small bookcase, a door leading to a balcony, and a shaggy carpet.

But what both rooms had in common was that they were all dusty, the furniture covered in white linen to protect them from filth.

"Wonderful!" said Morgana sarcastically, pulling off a large piece of linen from the wardrobe, "There's too few rooms for us and too few beds. I guess one of us are going to have sleep on the floor."

She glanced at Mila, already deciding who it was going to be.

"No need for that," said Darius, "Leeko and I will take the guest room while you two girls take the master bedroom and share the double bed."

"What?" Morgana exclaimed, "You want me to share a bed with...her?"

The very idea of sharing a room with Mila, let alone having her sleep alongside her, was embarrassing to the bat, and she couldn't help but blush.

Darius nodded. "You two need your own privacy, and it's also a perfect way to bond with each other," he said, "So far what I've seen, your attitude towards Mila hasn't been the warmest."

Morgana gave a sheepish grin when the captain pointed this detail out.

"Besides," he continued, "two guys sharing a bed can be...awkward, but two women sharing one is more acceptable."

With a sigh, "Morgana said, "Alright, but we better do some renovations very soon."

"In time, Morgana, in time," said Darius, "but for now, let's explore further, shall we?"

Further down the hallway they found a library, which, like the other rooms, were dusty and the furniture covered in white linen, and Leeko was overjoyed.

"They got books on everything here," he said happily, pulling volume after volume down and checking their titles.

"We can read book later, Leeko," said Morgana impatiently.

"Leave him be," said Darius, "He's like a kid in a candy store. Don't ruin his fun."

They decided to leave the happy corgi there to indulge on what the the large room and to offer and continued onwards, arriving at the last door at the end of the hallway.

It was a double door, to be more precise, and Darius pushed them simultaneous open. On the other side was a crystal clear indoor swimming pool with various flora planted around it for decoration and a sun roof allowing light to shine down upon the waters and reflect on the walls.

"Nice," said Morgana, "Wouldn't mind doing some swimming in these waters anytime soon. Though, I wonder why it's so clean. The rest of the rooms look like they need a shine, but this one here is spotless."

"Yes, that is strange," said Darius, suspicious, rubbing his chin.

"Do you think it could the result of the people trapped in here?" Mila asked, feeling a bit uneasy, like she was being watched, "Or possibly something else?"

Darius shrugged. "Could be," he said, "but it's best that we don't crack our heads open about something like that. Right now let's move some of our more valuable treasures from the ship into the mansion and make ourselves at home."

The turned and left the room. What happens next?

Choice 1: The rooms and hallways were already beginning to shift, and when Darius and the others stepped out of the room, the found that the hallway had changed into the kitchen.

Poor Leeko had no idea what was going on... Perhaps Tam Tam can save them...

Choice 2: The crew moved in some of there treasure and artifacts that day, but as the week progressed the rooms and the hallways began to show subtle changes.

Choice 3: That first night they all sleep in the mansion, but strange noises keep everyone up. Could someone still be in the mansion somewhere?

Choice 4: Tam-Tam doesn't give up so easily. She returns the next day determined to prove herself valuable to the group somehow.
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