The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Preliminary Plans.

By: Drakin

“Is there any way to sneak in and steal it?” Morgana asked as they walked back, keeping her voice low as they avoided the main paths to avoid being overheard.

“No,” Luna sighed, “The temple is locked up tight. Any windows are too small to climb through and Edna has the only keys to the door which she keeps hidden in a different place until just before the ceremony.”

Morgana mused more, “Do they let anyone else in for the Ceremony?”

“Aside from the prospective individual and Edna, one other enter with them, someone the prospective tribe member finds appealing. Once they touch the run and are transformed, Edna leaves and locks them in the room overnight to... um 'go at it'. And in the morning they unlock the door and welcome one if not two new tribe members.”

“So it has to be someone from outside the tribe?”

“Oh no, the one joining the initiate can be from the tribe if they fancy someone already, but if they can get two new members with one ceremony Edna would be more than happy to encourage it.

“The important thing is no mater who goes in, Edna is going to make sure that someone new touches the rune before locking them in for the night. And once you touch the rune... well, nothing else really matters besides your companion in there.”

Morgana bit her lip in thought, as they finally reached the guest room where the crew was staying. When they opened the door though Morgana was greeted by a rather shocking sight.

Choice 1: Both Darious and Mila were looking thicker, having seemingly gorged on good all morning to the point their clothes had become snug on heavier frames.

Choice 2: Tam-Tam had returned, and she and Darious were 'getting intimate' in one corner while Mila and a familiar corgi (albeit a female now) were feeling each other up in the other.

Choice 3: Mila greeted them warmly sporting a pair of breasts bigger than her own head and Darious was examining an unnaturally huge bulge that threatened to tear his pants apart. Apparently they had been delivered a special selection of various chocolates that caused different effects based on which ones were sampled.

Choice 4: Choice 4: Edna had come to visit the pair and has them both 'servicing' her and the pair have to pretend to obey her commands or risk exposing they aren't under her control.
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