The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Morgana Starts the Tour

By: Drakin

“I'll go,” Morgana offered, “As first mate it's my job to report back to the captain on what it's like here with a sound judgment he trusts.”

Darious nodded. “Very well Morgana. I permit you to go with Luna and observe more of how the tribe functions and report back your findings. And stay out of trouble, we don't want to make a scene since we're guests here.” Though he tried to word it carefully to prevent an incident, Darious was concerned the veiled command might cause Morgana issues later. Still she could only nod and agree to it.

“I am sorry we don't have more members on hand to show you around,” Luna offered with a bow, “A unexpected... incident on the other side of the island has many tied up at the moment. But we should have some free by this afternoon, tomorrow at the latest, in hopes of providing you each with some aid.”

With that she left as a couple other staff members wheeled in carts of food for their guests. Morgana trailed behind, looking a little longingly at the meals of scrambled eggs, bacon, doughnuts, muffins and more that were brought in. A quick hand managed to snatch a sausage and a couple bacon strips, but otherwise she was forced to keep up with the wolfess.

As they began the tour she explained how their somewhat large island was divided into several sections based on different interests. “And each of those are divided into smaller areas of more specific areas. If you imagine it like a map with the boarders drawn out, it would something like a flower with smaller flowers on each petal. The island is large enough at almost ten miles wide by the same long we have yet to run out of space.”

“How many beings live here?” Morgana asked a little concerned about how many they might have to deal with.

“Nine hundred and ninety-six,” Luna answered with confidence, “Give or take one or two questionable individuals at the moment.”

Morgana winced internally. That was a lot of potential cultists to deal with if things went sour.

“That's why we're so happy to have your crew here willing to join us. With your numbers we'll finally top a thousand. Edna has been promising us a truly magnificent celebration when that happens.”

Luna stopped and turned to face Morgana with a shocked expression, “Oh but listen to me ramble. I got so caught up in showing you around I forgot about breakfast entirely. We can go to the kitchens and get you some food first if you prefer, although it might be crowded this early. Or we could start our tour at the 'Edacity Compound'. They always get the best food for every meal. Or we could go to the gardens. I heard the blueberry harvest was just hitting it's peak so there's sure to be lots of delicious berries to enjoy.”

She leaned in closer, “Or we could just grab a quick snack from somewhere and eat out in the garden together. You're quite the cutie as well you know...”

Morgana gulped in uncertainty.

Choice 1: Head to the kitchens. They are really crowded though and Morgana has to deal with a number of the tribe members and their unusual habits.

Choice 2: Head to the 'Edacity Compound' (whatever that means). But upon arriving Morgana finds all the tribe members there are quite large, from merely pudgy to ambulatory mountains of adipose. Their breakfast table alone looks like it could feed a city.

Choice 3: Head for the gardens. Low chance of running into any other tribe members, but the berries seem unusually large and very juicy.

Choice 4: Take Luna up on her offer for a private picnic. She is kinda cute after all.
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