The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

An Offer of Trust.

By: Drakin

“We could use your help,” Mila replied uncertainly, “But it's not my call to make. The captain should decide who joins. I'll ask him in the morning.”

“Gee, that's too bad,” Tam-Tam replied with a bit of a mock pout, “If you'd agreed completely I could maybe have shown you to where I think they're keeping the coin you want. But if you want to wait by all means.”

She turned to go, Mila biting her lip uncertainly.

“Here's a bit of friendly advice though,” Tam-Tam added, “This tribe is plenty friendly, overly friendly in fact, but that does not mean they are pushovers. You're not likely to get forced into something you don't want, but they will pressure you to try as much as possible to find where you fit in.

“My advice is to make an attempt. Whatever you feel you can tolerate, maybe even enjoy, do it. It'll save them being 'overly helpful' at trying to find a place for you. Oh... and one more thing...”

Mila only barely reacted in time and caught the small pouch hurtling through the air to her as Tam-Tam tossed it at her. She gave it a heft and felt something shift inside like sand.

“Just a little gift to show my trustworthiness,” she smiled, “They put something in the water here which makes folks more suggestible. A little sprinkle of that powder neutralizes it. If the water turns red it's safe, if it settles to the bottom then the water was pure. Feel free to test it if you don't believe me, but I'd keep a close eye on whoever drinks the 'clean' water,”

Before Mila could ask further questions Tam-Tam had disappeared back into the shadows.


The next morning when everyone was awake, Mila told them about her meeting and showed them the bag.

“I don't like it,” Morgana growled, “She could be trying to poison us. Or maybe this is the stuff that makes one 'suggestible' and she gets us to dose ourselves.”

“Now now, we'll discuss that in a moment,” Darious noted, “But Mila, she really said she wanted to help? And join our crew to do so?”

“Yes, and I think she was being sincere,” the feline nodded, “I know I'm not the best judge of character, but the way she moved and acted... she gave me the impression she could have lied about everything but chose not to.”

“She still could have deceived you then,” Morgana pointed out, “You just said you don't trust your own judgment.”

“Enough,” Darious sighed, “There's an easy way to test this. We'll draw straws. The one who gets the short straw drinks the water without the powder.”

“What?” Morgana muttered in disbelief, “Why not the other way?”

“Because the tribe has not told us about anything in the water and Tam-Tam did. Whether the truth or a lie I'm inclined to lean towards the one who gave us more information than less. At least until we know for sure. Plus with Leeko on the ship for now we're an odd numbered group. If this works I makes sense to have those unaffected outnumber the one who might be affected.”

“I still don't like it,” Morgana grumbled as they prepared some straws to draw for the decision.

Choice 1: Darious gets the short straw and opts to drink the powder-less water. Just in case he puts Morgana in charge in the off chance he does something detrimental to their mission.

Choice 2: Morgana gets the short straw. She seems normal at first but later on begins doing things as ordered without question and no back-talk.

Choice 3: Mila gets the short straw and drinks the “clean” water. She seems normal, but throughout the day she gets more horny, eager to have some form of sexual release anyway possible. The coin she wears may change her to reflect that.

Choice 4: Before they can decide their caretakers arrive with breakfast. There's no way to use the powder without someone noticing. They all will have to drink the “clean” water.
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