The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Darious enters the contest.

By: unknown

As the captain of the Dread Pirates, Darious stepped forward and signed himself up, for he argued that it was his responsibility to put himself on the line for the good of his crew.

"You're sure you are up to this, captain?" Morgana asked with her left eyebrow raised, a hint of mockery in her voice.

"O, I can stomach this," said he, patting his mid section, "You underestimate my appetite."

Darious dropped his card into a box nearby that had the word "contestants" written on it.

"Well, in that case," said Morgana, "we'll leave you to it, captain."

"Wish me luck," Darious said,

They did before they departed, Mila and the rest of the crew heading to a series of benches surrounding a wooden stage while the captain went to the the area where the other contestants were assembled.


"This is way too close for me," said Leeko, who was pressed up tightly against Mila.

The start of the contest was minutes away and the benches, which groaned and protested under their weight, were being filled with town folk to the brim.

Mila and the crew were sandwiched between a enormously fat cow and a equally obese brown bull, getting way too close and personal with each other than they would have liked, and that's why it looked like Morgana was ready to go on a rampage.

On the stage the contestants were gathered, and Mila spotted Darious seated between a hefty stallion and a fat female peacock. She waved at him and he returned the gesture.

The mayor, a fat beaver, who's buttons on his fancy clothes were ready to pop off (a few actually did while he was talking, which was ignored by the crowd, and Mila guessed something like a wardrobe malfunction wasn't uncommon in this town), waddled on to the stage.

He said a few words of gratitude to those you came and the pie shop who sponsored the event.

"And now without further delay," said the mayor, "let the contest begin!"

What did they bring out for the contestants to chow on?

Choice 1: What you might expect in a contest like this: tons of pies, cake, sweets and other delicious food. You don't stop until you throw up, forfeit or pass out into a food coma!

Choice 2: There was a surprise awaiting them. They brought out special machine, which had several hoses attached to it. It was powered by steam and can feed five liters of mashed pies in one minute to each contestant.
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