The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

On your mark, get set...

By: Drakin

Morgana bit her lip, tried to pretend her growling stomach wasn't influencing her, and sighed, "I'll do it."

"You don't have-" Mila started but the bat cut her off.

"Don't tell me what I have to do! I'm the one who brought us here. I'll see it through."

As she stepped up to the counter, they were greeted by a rather large female bicolor or 'tuxedo' feline wearing a wide blue apron. She brushed her brown hair aside and Mila could read the name Tammy embroidered on her apron.

"Hello there," she beamed in a sweet voice that matched her pastries, "You're super lucky. My last customers for the day. Gotta get ready for the big competition."

"Actually our friend her e wants to sign up for it," Darius replied nodding to Morgana.

"Really?" the feline replied, "She does?"

"You got bread-sticks in your ears?" Morgana growled, "Yeah I do. What of it?"

"Oh dear me, nothing it's just... well i never expected someone from out of town would want to enter."

"I see how it works," Morgana sneered, "Hoping some local would win and pour all their winnings back into the bakery, huh?"

"No... Nothing like that," The feline looked flustered though whether that had been intentional or not the realization of that possibility and it being lost did seem to make her concerned.

"Well I'm signing up anyway," Morgana replied stepping up and filling out the card. As she dropped it in the box she smiled, "Those gold coins... They wouldn't happen to be 'special' in any way would they?"

"Special?" the tuxedo cat replied, "What do you mean?"

"You know. Unique. Not like the others."

"I... I don't think so," Tammy replied, though Mila noticed she tugged at her apron slightly as she said it.

Morgana just huffed, "Fine, guess we'll be on our way."

"Wait," Tammy muttered and then hesitated, "Um. don't you want anything?"

"Gotta save my appetite for the competition," Morgana smiled.

"Well I have a couple brownies here. they're my last ones. They got a little burnt so nobody really wanted them, but you could have them for free if you like."

Morgana considered this then shrugged, "Free is always good. Thanks."

Tammy looked uncertain as she scooped up the brownies but she managed a smile as she handed them over.

"By the way," Darius interjected as Morgana took the treats, "Which way to the competition at the community center? We're new in town..."

"Oh it's just out the door to your left, down the road two blocks and then a right turn. It's the large building on the side of the central square."

Darius thanked her and the group left. Tammy seeing them to the door and flipping the sign to 'Closed' as they did so.

"Did any of that seem a little odd to you?" Mila asked the crew.

"Maybe," Morgana replied as she bit into a brownie, "But she sells herself short. These are amazing! I don't know what she was talking about them being burnt."

"Well it would be hard to tell for anyone just looking at them right?" Leeko asked, "I mean, given the color and all..."

Maybe, but Mila still felt uncertain as she walked behind Morgana... Had her pants always looked so snug?


At the community center the group signed in and then had to go their separate ways for a time. Morgana was taken to the room with all the contestants and Mila, Darius, and Leeko made their way to join the audience. who sat in tiered seats along one wall of a large room. the far wall had a stage where several long tables were pushed together and chairs were arranged on the far side.

After a few words from the mayor, a somewhat hefty looking beaver in a top hat, the contestants filed in. All total there were about three dozen, Morgana ended up in the last seat almost directly across from Mila, Leeko and Darius. Mila blinked as she looked but tried not to stare. She was sure Morgana's top had not been that tight over her chest earlier... right?

She tried to shrug it off as the contest was about to begin. The first course...
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