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**Choice 3a: Befriend the Luminescent Butterflies**

In the dappled glow of the Enchanted Meadow, you extend your hand towards the cluster of luminescent butterflies. As if in response to your gesture, they descend gracefully, their delicate wings brushing against your outstretched fingers. A harmonious energy envelops you, forging a connection between the magical creatures and your own essence. The butterflies, now forming a radiant halo around you, emanate a soft, ethereal glow.

Their presence becomes a guide through the meadow's hidden wonders, leading you to secluded clearings and ancient trees wrapped in shimmering vines. The luminescent butterflies convey a sense of shared discovery, unveiling the secrets that lie beneath each petal and within every murmuring brook. With newfound companionship, you embark on a journey of enchantment, the luminescent butterflies illuminating the path to deeper connections and uncharted marvels within the mystical realm of the Enchanted Meadow. You come across a majestic gaurdian.

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