Your Classroom Crush

You excus yourself to use the ladies room. One by the other they come out. You take them to an empty classroom. You go in and lock the door behind you. They panic and start running around. You hit them with a tazer which stuns them for a minute. When they come to you have them tied up. You reach in your purse and grab a watch. "This shit ain't working on us" They say in unison. You bet on it and tell them to follow the watch. "You are very sleepy" you snap and they are out like a light. "When I snap my fingers again you will be out of the trance but obey my every order when we are alone. You will call me your Master. Now wake up". They jolt up and say "Hello Master". You smile as it had worked. You unlock the door and snap. As they come to you undress and push them into your boobs and reach into their panties and grab their cock. They moan "You've had your fun now go". As you head back to class and sit down more boys come up to you. You simply ignore them. Your crush comes up and asks you too. You smile. What do you do?
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