Total Drama Island

As Cody left the room. You quickly move into action. You grab a pen and paper writing down a note.


I know about Gwen shoe. I will not tell anyone about your little foot fetish. If you help me take out the rest of the competition. And in return I will eliminate Ava for you in good faith. Don't ask who I am or try to find out. Or your broken dick will not be the only pain you'll suffer this season."


You sign the letter D. Leaving it up to his imagination who was sending the blackmail. Cody probably would guess it could be Duncan or DJ. But wouldn't want it to slip that he was getting blackmailed by an unknown person.

You hid the paper underneath his cover heading off bumping into DJ as you open the door. He nod going to get his cap.

You went to the dining hole and sit by

You have 1 choice:

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