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The Land Where Daniels Just Can't

It means that you are the unfortunate son of a father who recently distinguished himself as a baron... by brutally and openly murdering the previous holder of that title.

In your nation of birth which is progressive in most every way, Germania, it is legal to duel for political office. Before you thought you could inherit and do baron-like things, but after a class on political succession rights, you found out that being the fifth-in-line meant all you got from your baron dad was the seed that composed the genetic material in his DNA.

You always knew your dad had it in him, you could feel the murder in his heart and you also see every now and then that he looks at you... much like a mongoose looks at a potential snake in the grass. You know he sees a potential threat even though all you like to do is go to college, study, and smoke weed. You almost sound innocent, if weed wasn't also considered the Devil's lettuce. In this world the Devil is real, and smoking his lettuce opens you up to a 1% chance of demonic possession.
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