Everything Went Dark

It was settled: Jordan would sleep outside first. The group gave her extra blankets so she wouldn't freeze and said goodnight. No one wished her luck. They were mostly silent. There was the risk of the wild animal killing her as well. That was another thing to worry about, but it was too late to change anything, so they all went to sleep.

The next morning, the group woke up to find Jordan gone, Addie gone, and more meat cooking over the small fire. The group was unsure if Jordan and Addie were innocent. There were other reports of that wild animal attacking. In case you were curious, only Elliana, Jack, Tatum, and that wild animal are alive. The wild animal was included because that's a factor now. It only attacks people outside the tent. Meaning if there was three deaths, the two cannibals would be inside. But there isn't enough people to expand enough of this to make it difficult. Anyways, the day passed. There was no sign of the animal. It was night once more. Who is sleeping outside tonight?

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