The absurd, weird universe of zio.

Buchi now slams up! Aha! What a good day today will be for once he was early with his friend! Grande was waiting by the door, he never took his work clothes off, Buchi gets up to go to the closet but grande interrupted him saying: "your already dressed.." Buchi turned and looked at grande in confusion.. "What?"

"Your already dressed..."

"Huh..." Buchi looked down seeing his work clothes on.

"holy shit! Grande we're friends... But uh.. we're just friends bro.."

"I didn't dress you dumbass... You fell asleep with your clothes on..."

"oHHHhhh- right! Hahaha! If course Grande! Don't be silly dude! Pfft... Jeez-"

"Let's fuckin go.."


"Also.. hey Grande?"

"What Buchi?"

"What the hell is a lesbian.."

"I-its a woman that likes another woman.. why?"

"Oh shit.. I like women Grande!"

"Your.. a guy- you.. Fuck it come on already"

Grande and Buchi head out the down the hallway! As there descending in the depths of the apartment to there freedom there stopped seeing a guy with rainbow dreads in his hair, he is shaking a packet around and yelling

Weird ass rainbow hair man.
"YUh' street!!! Ayyyy"

Buchi and grande go to walk around him but he then stomps his foot down and yells: "YOU! Yah' wanna buss' my base?! You Wana slappy my banana boat boy?! You wanna take shots in shots in my banana peel tall boy?!"

He charges forth now and Buchi screams like a banshee as he sees the short crack head rush at him shaking a packet around, grande now turns seeing the man and just grabs Buchi holding him still, he then just watches as the crack head starts to sweat instantly, he slows down as now the floor cracks beneath him and he falls face first. Grande walks over now and the crack head starts screaming: "boy! I'ma' difididfiddsalala your djfjfid and diddle your dsadksjzas and tjfhcnewiej-"

Grande sighs and continues walking, Buchi looks at the crack head has a disgusted face! He sees the crack head lift his elbow slightly and throws the packet at Buchi, Buchi squirms and slings his hands in the air, the packet breaks upon Buchi's slapping and sprays powder all over him, Buchi screams and starts bolting to grande keeping his hand on his nose

"Grande!!! GRANDE!!!!"

"What?.. oh God.." Grande states seeing Buchi covered in pink powder.

"The hell man! Why the fuck did you stand there?!"

"I never saw a crack head so close! I just wanted to get a look!"

"You idiot! You stay away from crack heads!"

"I didn't know they had dust packets of death to throw!!"

"That's the main tool of a crack head!! CRACK it's in the name you fucker! Crack.. HEAD!!"

"AHHH! I thought crack looked like white sugar?!"

"..your right it's pink... It could be a different drug.."

"So then..Hahahahaha! I didn't get crack on me! Yessss" Buchi screams in joy releasing his grip on his nose.

"You dumbass! It could be something worse!!"

"FuCK, FUUck!!! IM DEaaD!!!"

"Calm the fuck down Buchi!"

Grande grabs a napkin on the ground and slings it on Buchi's shirt and starts brushing the pink little sugar like substance off.

Buchi screams and backs away, grande rushes closer and stomps his foot on Buchi's.

"Stand still dumbass!!"

"That's Lussurio's!! We don't know what the fuck she did with that napkin!!"

"First off you don't know that!! And second off it's the best we got!"

"I do know!! I saw her whipe her fish crotch with it!!

"Well tough luck fucker! You can't get into work like that!"

And so grande finished getting the substance off! And they both rush down the hall to work!
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