The absurd, weird universe of zio.

CHAPTER 3: "the wall demon"

Buchi sits there, beads of sweat drip from his head as he glares at the crack intensely breathing..

"Hey, Buchi you coming or what pal?"

"Crack.... Crack!!"

"... Crack?"


"... CrAck?"

"C R A C K ! ! !"

"Whoa and you said I was high on drugs dude? We're not getting crack, that's disgusting shit.."

"WhOa-- Wait.. crack is not disgusting!! It's just a chemical!!"

"Yeah, a disgusting chemical Incubo, something you shouldn't touch unless you want to wake up on the side of the road with a tattoo of a dick on your head and your ass hole hurting.."

"HOLy MolU!! Thats fuckin... Nasty..."

" Now you see my point, good man-"

Buchi now whirred his body around with a look of desperation and pure terror, it was so strong it was even creeping Grande out slightly... He now lifted a finger and pointed at the small crack in the wall, you could see some air lightly come from the crack..


Instantly Grande's face changed from concerned to utterly let down.

"..your this crazy... About a crack?"

Buchi proceeded to rant on explaining his moral and internal pain and frustration at the flesh wound in the wall!

"AhhhhHh!! I gotta tell erDICK bro!"

"Uh.. no you don't.. you can wait.."

"YEaaH Wait ya' fool!!"

"And have the bugs infest this shit hole?!"

"Bugs not goin to take over the restaurant over one night you dumbass."

"ONE BUG-- one.. is enough to get us fucking out on the street man!" Buchi now sighed . . .
"I'm telling erDick"

"No, your not."

"Yes.. I am"

"Buchi fucking don't move a muscle"

"I.. I gotta tell him.."

"No... You don't.."

"ITs..jUsT a CracK!!" Incubo grits his teeth balling a fist as he squints at the retard known as Buchi having a utter crisis. Buchi now starts to walk to the door.
Grande grabs his dress shirt now yanking him back, Buchi starts screaming and struggling as Incubo and Grande begin to hold him back, he gets dragged out the kitchen as he screams for them to let him back! Before the door shuts to the kitchen he can see that damn crack in the wall!! The waft air blowing through it one last time...

You have 1 choice:

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