Life Simulator

You wake up in the hospital bed. The woman is blurry.

The silence is louder than my blood rush.
"Flynn, it's Mama. I am okay, I promise."
It's not Mama. I know it's not. She doesn't sound like that.
"You are not Mama! You are not Mama!" I wail and begin to scream.
"Yes I am. I am Mama. I am Mama. I am Mama."
"Show me!"
The woman sighs. Her footsteps echo and fade away.

Two days later:
"You won't see Mama and Dada for a little bit. They're on vacation, but you are here because you are sick and we fix the sick people, okay?"
That makes more sense to me. Mama told me my nose was very runny so that's why I am here. According to the woman, Mama and Dada drove me here and dropped me off to get better because they don't want me to feel weak on vacation. I am still sad, but at least I know they are coming back. I don't like how the woman told me she was Mama, though.

You have 1 choice:

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