the never ending competion

- A week ? - I shouted - and why didn't you tell me before ? -

- Mark has just informed me that the filming of that advertising ,which I mentioned before , have been anticipated , so I'm going in Colorado - said my mother, looking in the mirror and adjusting her hair, not even looking at me in the face. Then before I could say anything else, she added - Mary will be back in three days, so you will have to make do for a while with food. Sort something out, but do not overdo with pizza, I think you've put on some weight and you risk that they take away the part if you keep to stuff your face -
I could not believe what she was saying, I swear that if I had something heavy beside me I would have thrown it towards her.

- Your Aunt called two hours ago, she told me to tell you that she's alone because her daughter went to a friend's house for about ten days and if you want you can stay with her these days. Of course, I suppose you do not want to go, then try not to do too much chaos at home, I do not want to go back and find that you have organized a party in secret. Not that there's this problem since you do not have hardly any friend - my mother said coldly and I labored to hold back my tears, increasingly hurt by her words. Then taking courage I almost screamed :

- I will go to my aunt -

- What ? - My mother asked surprised , she did not expect that answer

- I will go to my aunt - I repeated, knowing well how my mother could not bear her sister and how she could not bear the idea that her daughter had a close relationship with her.

- Suit yourself. I have to go - my mother said, again with a glacial tone and without looking at me she slammed the door and left.

Furious I returned to the bathroom to clean me up , still thinking back to the poisonous words of my mother. But what had I done wrong to always be treated that way ? My mother has always been a very busy woman, and this is something that I have always understood, it is not easy to live with a mother so little present, but I never did blame her for that, I never asked her to be the best mother in the world but I think it's really absurd that a mother say to her daughter that things in that way , so coldly.

Holding me from throwing down the stairs one of her oriental vases of porcelain , I took my phone and looked for the number of Aunt Emma in the phonebook. She answered after a few rings.

- Aunt Emma, ​​this is Jennifer -

- Oh I'm glad to hear you Jennifer -

- Aunt can I stay with you for a couple of days ? My mother told me that you ... -

- Of course, of course . I'm alone and I always appreciate a little of company - Aunt Emma interrupted me

- Well .. then I come in the afternoon, it is ok ?. You want me to take something at the supermarket before coming there?

- Oh no , do not worry I do not need anything. I prepare immediately the guest room for you... -

The conversation lasted for another minute and when I closed the call I began to prepare my suitcase putting many more clothes than necessary but I did not want go back home to get changed in those days. Indeed at that time I did not want to set foot in my house for a long time. As I laced my shoes I could not help but think that I would be alone with Aunt Emma for a whole week and living under the same roof I would have had many opportunities to be able to see her beautiful feet and who knows maybe to make her another massage. My mouth was already watering while I was on my way out from home with only the feet of my aunt in my mind.
My aunt's house was across town, as if she had tried to stay as far away as possibile from my mother and it took us almost half an hour to arrive there , also because of the traffic. Rose greeted me , still thanking me for having been in line with her . I walked over to the gate and I rang the intercom. When the gate opened automatically , I dragged my suitcase through the driveway and I saw that Aunt Emma was waiting for me outside the front door. The woman hugged me warmly as if she were very happy to see me and I could not help but smell again her perfume that was less intense than the last time. As I followed my aunt inside the house, my eyes fell at her feet and I saw that she was wearing black flats that allow her to walk around house with the same comfort as a pair of slippers. I was so distracted watching her feet that I didn't realize that my aunt had suddenly stopped and I slammed hard against her and losing the balance , I fell to the ground.
In my mind I thanked the expensive Persian carpet that had cushioned the fall and almost I didn't hear what Aunt Emma was saying to me:

- Jen you have to be more careful, I could fall as well and more importantly , it could fall to the ground even this Ming Dynasty vase - and she pointed to the precious vase, another thing that aunt and my mother had in common, another competition between them.

- I'm sorry - I said getting up with difficulty

- What has distracted you so much? - Aunt asked me looking into my eyes

Too embarrassed to continue watching her beautiful green eyes, that so much reminded me of my mother, I looked down and seeing the Persian carpet I found an answer convincing or so I thought.

- I was looking at your carpet, it is very nice. It is new? - I asked

- Really it has been there for years, but I understand that you've forgotten, it's been a long time since the last time you came here -

Luckily , Aunt Emma restarted to walk heading towards the large living room , interrupting ,at least for a few moments , a conversation that was becoming more and more difficult for me. The relationship between my mother and Aunt Emma was nasty and actually over the last five years ,although they lived in the same town, they had met only a few times. It was a pity at the opposite , that I was forced to see my cousin Kaley almost every day at school, during classes and during practice . For a moment I regretted my choice, despite the pleasant dinner we'd had a few days before, it was obvious that it would not be easy even just chatting with my aunt because I should be careful not to mention my mother. A further look at the feet of my aunt, however, gave me comfort and convinced me that I had made the right choice. With difficulty I refrained from asking her immediately the permission to give her another foot massage just like that she seemed had appreciated a few days before.

"It is not time yet, I will have a better chance later. Maybe if she drink too much ... " I thought, already picturing in my mind a thousand scenarios.

Dinner was delicious and I could not help but think about the crap that my mother cooked. Aunt Emma told me she had learned to cook so well thanks to a long stay she had done fifteen years ago in Italy, shortly after divorcing her husband , when Kaley was only three years. I noticed that my aunt had begun to drink a lot more after naming her old husband and I could not help but smile every time her sensual lips touched the glass and her mouth opened slightly to let in the fine red wine that even I wanted to savor so much . I had, however, a clear plan in mind and I did not want to mess it up, if I was lucky that night I could taste something much much tastier.

After dinner we moved into the living room to watch a movie and after a discussion , at the end we chose Pulp Fiction. At one point in the film I found myself in a difficult position, torn between watching the feet of Uma Thurman, filmed with maniacal precision by Tarantino, or those of my aunt. In the end I opted for those of Uma , then I came back to stare those of my aunt for the rest of the film. If Aunt Emma had looked away from the TV , looking my face, probably she would have seen me move my head slightly up and down. In fact I was looking at her dangling foot, dazed, like a snake in front of the Pungi of its charmer. Her flat shoe was about to drop to the ground and I struggled more and more to resist the urge to throw myself to the ground and touch that beautiful foot, covered with a nylon ankle socks that made me glimpse the delicate skin of Aunt Emma. When the shoe finally fell on the floor my mouth was wide open , but a little laugh forced me to look up. Aunt Emma was watching me intently with a broad smile on her face, but before I could even think of being discovered she returned to focus on the film, continuing to drink wine. I looked at the bottle almost empty and I wondered how much longer she could drink without collapsing, the answer came five minutes later.

The film was almost finished and while Jules was reciting for the last time Ezekiel 25 17, I saw my aunt's head bend slightly, her eyes closed. My heart began to beat wildly but despite the excitement I was feeling at that moment, I managed to stay calm and to act with caution. I carefully moved my aunt's head so that she could be comfortable on the sofa cushion , her body lying on the couch . With those few moves I made sure that she was sleeping deeply and after looking at her angelic face slightly flushed from the wine, I knelt on the floor almost trembling with emotion. First I picked up the shoe that had fallen on the floor and I began to intensively sniffing that wonderful smell, a few moments later, however, I left the shoe and I crawl to my object of desire. When I buried my face in my aunt's foot I was in ecstasy, and as I began to smell her foot scent like a hunting dog, a broad smile appeared on my face but I did not know that if at that moment I had looked at my Aunt Emma in the face, I would have found a smile as wide as mine.

Part 4 : Sleeping Beauty

I could not believe what I was doing but I could not absolutely stop myself although my behavior seemed so wrong to me, in fact not only I was rubbing non-stop my face at the feet of another person, more and more excited, but mainly because that other person was none other than my aunt, blood of my blood. I said to myself that that could not be considered a real incest because I was just playing with the feet of my aunt and there was nothing sexual about it . But with the passage of minutes I realized to be getting wetter and my certainties began to falter.

After breathing deeply that wonderful smell, I turned away my face from the socked feet of my aunt and I had to resist the urge to immediately put my nose under her toes and sniffing again her foot scent. My willpower was very weak and at that moment I felt just as an addicted on drugs or cigarettes, only a slap managed to make me calm. Trying not to drop again my gaze to her feet, I looked my aunt who was fast asleep. Aunt Emma was really a beauty and as I watched her angelic face (still without wrinkles), her full lips, her beautiful breasts rising and falling in rhythm with her breathing, I could not help but think that I was wrong, it had everything to do with sex.

I put my hands in my face not knowing what to do, I could not believe I was sexually attracted to another woman, a woman who even was twice my age. Until then I had always been interested in boys, although I must confess that my interest was well below that that my friends had for "the other sex" and in fact I had never gone too far with a guy. I had kissed several boys in previous years but there had not been a lot more because I had not experienced that emotion that I expected, I did not have butterflies in the stomach or something like that , as all my friends used to tell me. Until then I had always thought that the absence of passion was due to the fact that I had not met the right guy yet , but that night ,as I watched my beautiful aunt sleep peacefully , I began to think that behind there was something else, something much much different.

"Am I maybe a lesb..? " I was wondering but terrified I stopped myself. I did not want to even think about that word, not because I was homophobe, I had nothing against gays but I could not identify myself with one of them, I was not different from my friends, I was "normal".

A familiar smell came to my nostrils, and I realized that my hands, which were still on my face, were impregnated with the foot scent of my aunt. That magnificent smell wiped my remaining willpower and I collapsed on my knees, throwing myself back at the feet of my aunt Emma, ​​buring my face in her soles with the nostrils of my nose which continued to expand and shrink rhythmically, and for a crazy moment it came in my mind the famous scene from the film "The Silence of the lamb " with Anthony Hopkins sniffing disturbingly the perfume of the protagonist, Clarisse Starling.

While I smelled my aunt's feet more and more intoxicated by that scent, I decided to remain motionless with my nose under her toes where the smell was more intense . I had the strong temptation to remove her socks , finally being able to touch and smell her bare feet but I thought I had all night available so I decided to take it slow, and I continued my work. After half an hour it was time to do something different and so I began to kiss the feet of my aunt, first with small pecks to her soles and then with more and more passionate kisses, finally, using my tongue. When it touched the nylon socks, I savored a very strange taste and when my brain processed that flavor, considering it delicious, I realized that I was really strange. Did I really like the taste of foot sweat ? What I had become ? A normal person would be horrified by sniffing the odor of the feet of another person.

"Stink " I corrected myself, for normal people that was definitely stink.

Of course, a normal person would never licked the feet of another person, even the idea would have been repugnant, not only for the taste but also because it is considered as something extremely humbling, a gesture of submission to the other person. "Submission" I continued to kiss the feet of my aunt Emma relentlessly , I thought that if smell and kiss her feet gave me so much pleasure, then I would be more than happy to submit myself to my sweet aunt.

My pussy was on fire and I could no longer forbear, so I lowered my jeans and my panties which were completely sodden. My left hand began to stimulate my clitoris while with the other one I palpated my breasts, my nose was still stuck under the toes of my aunt. My moans became louder and louder, but I did not worry, Aunt Emma would not wake up for many hours . When the orgasm came, it was so overwhelming that it took away all my energy and exhausted I lay on the hard floor, gasping for breath.

After a few minutes I had regained my strength and I was about to bury back my face between the feet of my aunt when I saw her move her legs and shocked I realized that she was waking up. Desperate I raised my jeans and my panties and I sat on the couch near her feet, pretending to sleep. Luckily , I was fast enough and when my aunt opened her eyes , I seemed fast asleep. With closed eyes I sharpened the other senses, and although I could not see , I was able to understand that my aunt had stood up with difficulty from the couch. I could not believe that with all that wine she had recovered so quickly and I cursed myself for not having taken off her socks when I had the opportunity, it would have been almost impossible to have a chance like that again.

- Jennifer - I heard Aunt Emma calling me softly but I waited for her to say my name other two times before answering.

- Yes ? - I said, pretending to wake me up, opening my eyes slowly and yawning

- It's late, we have to go to bed -

- Sure, aunt - I said stretching my arms and slowly getting up from the couch.

I was about to get out of the dining room when I noticed that my aunt had lagged behind and she was removing the nylon ankle socks. For a moment I saw her bare feet before she put her flat back on, and I must confess to being very disappointed because I was hoping that she would go into her room barefoot.

- Let's go - Said Aunt Emma when she was close to me

I looked for a moment the couch where she had left her socks and on my feet I invented a lie.

- Go ahead, I'll be upstairs in a minute , just the time to drink a bit of water and I'll go to my room -

She gave me a kiss on the cheek and I immediately blushed ,embarrassed . Then , when I saw her go upstairs, I went back to the couch and I took her socks that I hid in the pocket of my jeans. To be sure, I really went into the kitchen to drink water and when I finally arrived in the guest room , I quickly pulled my pajamas and once inside my bed I devoted my attention to my trophy. My pussy was wet again when I began to smell the socks of my aunt and after a few minutes , I slipped one of them into my mouth savoring that wonderful taste , sucking away all the sweat from it. Then , with a sock in my mouth and the other one under my nose, I fell asleep , exhausted but full of joy.

The next morning I woke up late and I realized I still had a sock in my mouth that was very dry. When I removed the sock, I inspected it and I was glad not to have damaged the nylon with my teeth. My lust seemed not to have subsided yet and I began again to smell the sock of my aunt. With disappointment, however, I realized that the sock had lost that wonderful scent and , desperate , I sought the other one that had not been in my mouth. The sock had to be slipped on the floor during the night and when I saw it on the floor ( which was a bit dusty ), I had no hesitation and I took it to my face, careless of the dust, inhaling the scent that had bewitched me.

After several minutes I heard the phone ring only for a moment and I realized that my aunt had to be already awake. With my right hand I continued to hold the nylon sock on my nose and I continued to breathe deeply. Then with horror, I thought :

"What if my aunt don't find her socks on the couch ? She will think right away that it was me. "

I got out of bed quickly , careful to hide the little socks in my hands and I went downstairs, trying to make as little noise as possible. Aunt Emma was in the kitchen and from the noise I could say with certainty that she was using the blender .To reach the living room without being seen, I went on all fours and I started to crawl slowly. My heart stopped for a moment when I heard Aunt Emma exclaim:

- Oh my... -

To my good fortune, however, Aunt Emma was not referring to me and while she cursed herself for having made a mess with the blender, I took the opportunity to slip quietly into the living room. By now safe, I quickly walked over to the couch and I noticed that the bottle of wine was still on the glass table there beside. Happy , I thought that my aunt had not yet come into the room and without wasting further time I put back the socks in their place.

- Good morning - I said to my aunt , entering peacefully in the kitchen

- Good morning darling, did you sleep well ? - asked the woman gently and in that moment I could not help but think of my mother , she never treated me in that way , she never had prepared breakfast for me

Just like the dinner of the night before, the breakfast was delicious, and I completely forgot the advice of my mother to eat little because in her opinion I'd put on weight. I was already eating the third plumcake with Nutella, when I realized I had skipped, once again, my morning run. I shrugged and I continued eating while Aunt Emma looked at me with her beautiful green eyes , smiling. Obviously I could not help but look often at her feet but ,for my bad luck , that day my aunt was wearing sneakers and so I was not able to see her beautiful feet. I thought back to the taste of her socks and while my mouth was watering again , I ate another plumcake.

Shortly after breakfast we moved into the living room and while Aunt picked up the almost empty bottle of wine, saying she had overdone the night before, I watched her socks on the couch, proud of my work and proud of my ninja skills.

- That's weird, I was sure that before my socks were not here - said aunt Emma taking one sock from the couch

My heart stopped and I almost began to shake as I thought about how I had been silly. I would have to hide her socks between the sofa cushions, Aunt Emma would have just thought of not seeing them at first glance. I continued to observe the scene more and more embarrassed, expecting that aunt would have turned , looking at me and accusing me of having taken her socks. Then I heard her say :

- I really exaggerated with wine yesterday, I am still a bit dazed -

While my aunt left the room , leaving me alone, I breathed a big sigh of relief, the fate continued to smile to me .

Part 5 : Temptations

My happiness for not being discovered lasted very little. In fact, it lasted just thirty seconds. When I checked my phone, which I had left in charge in that room, I discovered that my mother had called me more than ten times and had also left a message ordering me to call her back right away. I could not help but worry, it was not like her calling me all those times if it was not urgent.

My aunt was still busy and so, I tried to take advantage of that time as much as possible. My nose moved along all her foot, almost touching her pale and delicate skin. When I sniffed near her toes, they moved and I almost buried my nose between her big and second toes. How I wanted to touch them, how I wanted to put my lips on those divine feet, how I wanted to lick her foot sweat, darting my tongue among those succulent toes and covering her soles with my saliva.

The ladder wobbled dangerously when my aunt moved to clean a spot , wide and difficult to reach. I reinforced my grip on the ladder and I saw that my aunt was on tiptoe, her soles were completely exposed. My nose was immediately a few millimeters from her heel which seemed incredibly smooth. I wanted to smell her soles for much longer, but my aunt moved again and her soles were again on the rung of the ladder. While my pussy was wet again, I struggled to hold my tongue inside my mouth, hoping that my aunt would end her work soon. My resistance was collapsing.

It's took five more minutes to finish the job and I was exhausted as if I had run for hours. Aunt Emma looked at me intently for a moment, perhaps wondering why I was so sweaty, after all , she had been doing almost all the work. Then with a smile she said :

- Thank you so much for helping me , Jen -

- It was a pleasure - I said, thinking back to my wet pussy, and thinking that with the word "pleasure" I meant literally pleasure .

- Ok Jen, I have to work a little with the computer now . You know that I write articles for a fashion magazine, don't you ? So, what do you want to do meanwhile ? -

- I do not know - I answered

- You could watch a movie in the living room or if you do not want to be alone you could relax in an armchair in my "office" and read a book while I work.

- I think I'll read a book - I replied, hoping to see more of her feet.

The room that my aunt used as an office was not very big but the view from the window behind her desk was amazing and you could see the sea in the distance. Aunt Emma have been working on the computer for almost ten minutes, but I had not read a page of my book yet , because I hoped to see her bare feet . However, they remained hidden from the desk. When I was at the middle of the first chapter, Aunt Emma said :

- Honey, would you pick me up some lemonade ? That work left my mouth dry -

- Of course, aunt - I said , quickly getting up

When I returned with the lemonade, it almost fell from my hands when I saw that my aunt had put her bare feet on her desk, legs crossed at the ankle. There was no chance that I finished reading the chapter, too distracted by those wonderful feet, by those soft soles for which I would have done anything. For nearly half an hour I continued to pretend to read while instead I did nothing but watch my aunt's feet just as dog looks a bone.

Every time she moved her toes, I felt a thrill on my belly and when my aunt grabbed a pen with her toes, trapping it between the big and second toes, I almost had an orgasm there on the spot, imagining and hoping that there was my tongue between her toes and not that pen. I continued to observe the pen dance between the toes of my aunt who continued writing on the computer without stopping , while my face was dripping in sweat. At some point my aunt stood up and told me she had to go to the bathroom for a moment, and as soon as she left the room I ran to the desk and I exchanged the pen ,that had been between her toes, with an identical type that I had found in a drawer.

I went back to my place with the pen as if it were a trophy. When my aunt returned in the room, she put back her feet on the desk and with my face hidden behind my book , I began to intensively smelling the pen, distinguishing well the foot scent of my aunt. Careful to not being seen, I brought the pen to my lips and I began to lick it like a dog.

- Jennifer - my aunt said suddenly

- Yes, aunt ? - I asked, hiding the pen and lowering the book that hid my face.

- Are you enjoying the book ? -

- Oh yes , it is very nice - I answered, begging all the gods that she did not ask me anything about the story, having read almost nothing.

- I was thinking, since the last time you liked it and you were very good... Would you give me another foot massage while I work ? -

I could not believe my ears and I almost jumped for joy. Trying to maintain a minimum of demeanor, I replied

- Of course aunt, I am glad to be useful while you work -

Aunt Emma took off her feet from the desk and I realized that I had to stay on the floor during the foot massage. So I crawled under her desk , anxious to finally be able to touch for the first time her bare feet. Aunt Emma slightly pushed her chair away from the desk to give me more space, then on my knees while I began to massage her left foot, she rested her other foot on my shoulder, using me as a kind of footrest. My pussy was on fire and I wondered , once again , why I was so excited . I could not believe how her feet reduced me. Besides, be used as a footstool had an incredible effect on me, it was something incredibly humbling but , while I felt like a miserable worm, I was the happiest person in the world.
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