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A Night of Desperate Ladies

"Don't worry, its pretty slow around here at night, plus I doubt anyone would notice you anyway."

She steps out onto your front yard and looks but the only thing around is a small potted plant next to the front step which, for some reason, she ignores. She looks at you, her eyes begging you, but you don't give in. Finally she gives up and looks around again before quickly sliding her shorts and panties down. Her bladder senses the impending release and starts to give way as soon as she touches them. She struggles to get them down, rivulets of pee streaking down her legs, before she finally gets them off and angrily kicks them in the bushes.

She moans in relief as her urine once again sprays onto the ground, but just as she lets loose you see headlights at the end of the street. She screams in surprise and pain as she jams her hands in her slit to try and clamp off the flow. Not bothering with her shorts or panties, she runs to the door. You see droplets of pee sneaking past her fingers as she runs to the door.

What should you do?
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