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A Night of Desperate Ladies

You pay her the $150 then watch as she sits rocking in the seat. She wants to pee when she gets there, but this is really hot and you wish you could make her wait longer. Given who she is, surely you can come to an arrangement.

"You said that you would only charge me half if you peed when you get there. If you don't pee when we get there, I will pay you extra. Deal?"

She is silent, thinking about your proposition. Finally she jams a hand between her legs and looks over at you.

"I don't think I've ever had this request before, but its actually pretty tame compared to things I've done before. Its a deal, but I can't guarantee how long I can wait. I REALLY have to pee!"

That went well. It wasn't exactly how you had planned on spending your bonus, but when else does thing kind of thing happen? As you hit a bump, she sticks her other hand in her crotch.

"Shit, I really have to pee. Seriously, its been a really long time since I've had to go this bad."

"Oh yeah? What was the worst?"

"One summer, I was working as a receptionist at an office, and everybody else in the office would go out for lunch, leaving me to deal with everything. I wasn't allowed to leave my desk during lunch hour. This was usually fine, but I had too much coffee one morning, and I was in big trouble. I had to pee so bad! I kept waiting and waiting for the rest of the crew to come back from lunch, but they were late that day. I started thinking I could use the trash can or something, but then when I made it to 1pm and they hadn't come back yet, I started worrying that if I did have to use the trashcan, they'd come back and find me peeing. I was able to keep it in by holding myself with both hands, but it got so bad I simply had to try it. I went over to bring the trash can behind my desk, and then everybody came back from lunch. I froze in place and started peeing myself.

"Damn, that sounds pretty awful!"

"Yeah, it was bad. Luckily it was a temp job so I just quit it, but I will never forget it. Thankfully I don't have to pee THAT bad right now, but I'm getting close."

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