SHEMME Choice Based Adventure

Chapter 1 -- Scene 3

We open on Caitlin and Jesse walking down the hall. After they have passed a few lockers and we overhear some of their conversation about different teachers, a tall boy with dark hair and green eyes comes up from behind Jesse and puts his arms around him. He has a green streak although the rest of his hair is black. He’s wearing eyeliner and darker clothes.

LARRY: Look who’s hanging out with the nerd again. (He laughs, kissing Jesse on the cheek.)

The screen freezes as a Character Rundown shows up, describing Jesse’s personality and quirks.

- Jesse’s boyfriend
- is allergic to bananas
- likes makeup and video games”

CAITLIN: Look who’s talking. I’m only a nerd of my own volition.

LARRY: Hey, I’m just saying. (Mockingly) And Jesse, if you keep hanging out with this type, you might be influenced.

JESSE: Babe, you’re sounding like a giant nerd.

LARRY: Haha fuck you! Being obsessed with good grades, mathematics, Spanish; now that’s nerdy. Cough cough -- you and Caty -- cough cough.
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