The Events At Northwood City

You shake your head. It's not worth it. Besides, you better hurry and find that red blob, wherever it is.
After exiting your front door and locking it behind you, you think back to the moment where you saw it. It seemed to come from around Mrs. Lythe's house, didn't it? You head over in that direction.
As you're walking, your left foot splashes into something and you quickly look down. It's standing in a puddle, but how? It hasn't rained in weeks, and there's no way that Mrs. Lythe's watering can hit that exact spot, even while it was overflowing. The longer you stare at the water, the more…yellower it seems.
Wait. That's not water.
It's gasoline.
But how? Was there a car that passed and was leaking? No. Come to think of it, there haven't been many cars around. It's been a pretty quiet neighborhood for as long as you can remember, which is why you like it so much.
But what's gasoline doing here? You feel the liquid seep into your sock and remember to take your foot out of the puddle. You glance down at your shoe, thinking. Should you go back and change? Or continue your investigation? Things are getting weirder by the second.
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