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The Other World

Since you agreed to be Ivy, you are given all Ivy memories and emotions. Now you know the girl who is calling is your best friend aka Ivy's best friend.

You answer yes, while staggering to your feet and the sound of ringing, in your head makes you instinctively press your fingers to your temples. The sound of Ivy’s friend calling her name finally breaks through. Silencing the ringing. Ivy’s friend walks up and drag you with her to town hall, where a big meeting is happening. On stage a man name Luke introduces his self to the coven as the leader, who is also Ivy’s dad. He announces its time to attack the werewolves because your coven has waited a thousand years for the week of the red moon, where your coven is at its strongest. As long as they all sip from a chalice filled with Ivy’s blood and her dads.

Your dad ask you to come on stage and greet the coven because you're next in line to lead them. Liv your best friend squeeze your hand encouraging to go up there. She remind you to speak your heart, be honest and open. You walk on stage and words appear only you can see. Two choices appear
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