Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Los Chimpos Ride Again

You get up and go to the window.
Thankfully it opens silently.
You peer out, and see that you can shimmy along the ledge and drop down to the courtyard below.
You are on the first floor so it would do little damage if you take care.

You swing your legs out and heave your body through the open window.
You edge along, balanced against the wall of the building, and gently lower yourself down.
You hang by your fingertips and drop down to the courtyard.

Hitting the floor, you take the impact and regain your balance.
Your feet ache slightly but otherwise you're fine.

You look around and see a man staring at you.

"Hello," you say. "Don't mind me..."

The man hits you over the skull with a hammer and you crash to the ground, blood pouring, blinding you.
You already feel numb, unable to move, as the man stands over you.
He raises the hammer one more time...

Your adventure is over!

You have 1 choice:

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